IMPACTS OF DEFORESTATION AND FOREST BURNING ON BIODIVERSITY IN THE AMAZON “Since 2001, between 40,000 and 73,400 square miles of Amazon rainforest have been impacted by fires, affecting 95% of all Amazonian species and as many as 85% of species that are listed as threatened in this region...
In her slim, contemplative non-fiction work,Sophie Fontaneldescribed her cynicism at the arrival of the Olympic Games into Paris, all the unwanted infrastructure, inconvenience, people and disturbance. So much was she affronted, she left the city the opening ceremony week and went off to a Greek...
FIRES IN BRAZIL’S AMAZON RAINFOREST JUMP IN OCTOBER “Fires in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest surged in October and the number of blazes is up 25 percent in the first 10 months of 2020, compared with a year ago, data from government space research agency INPE showed. The agency recorded 17...
Observing and quantifying primate behavior in the wild is challenging. Human presence affects primate behavior and habituation of new, especially terrestrial, individuals is a time-intensive process that carries with it ethical and health concerns, especially during the recent pandemic when primates are ...
And our latex is GOLS Organic, eco-INSTITUT®, USDA Organic, Rainforest Alliance, and FSC® certified.” So if you now find yourself scratching your head, don’t worry. Most people were. Mamavation hadn’t (until today) done a deep dig on the production of latex mattresses, so we...
While those safety margins vary between countries, the fundamental exposure mechanism assumption is not challenged. What is left out of that narrow model, however, is the fact that all living things are fundamentally coherent electrical systems that interact in highly sensitive ways to minute levels ...
Looking back at 2009, I did the Grand Amazon Roundtrip visiting the rainforest of Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Afterwards, I spent quite some time in the Andes (Bogotá, mostly), headed for two months to Central America (El Salvador), and then settled down in Cartagena, Colombia...
Brazilian space agency INPE identified 8,426 square kilometers (3,253 square miles) of Amazon rainforest lost to deforestation in 2020.” hightrekker 01/09/2021 at 1:41 pm I spent the summer of 1968 in Alaska (been back ...
“New research shows that the Amazon is losing resilience much faster than we thought, even reaching a tipping point where vast areas transform from rainforest to Savannah, resulting in massive emissions.” Hickory 05/02/2022 ...
“Reuters) – Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest fell 15% in March from a year earlier, preliminary government data showed on Friday, but even with that dip it was enough to drive the most destruction during the first quarter in at least six years. From January to March, deforesta...