c. ecosystem d. biosphere Environmental Complexity: The environment, both living and nonliving, can be classified in a hierarchical schema which starts tiny at the level of particles called atoms and increases in breadth to encom...
A renewable resource is a natural material that is replenished in the environment through natural processes. These materials can be used indefinitely, as long as they are not consumed at a rate faster than they can be restored. Conversely, nonrenewable resources are natu...
In her slim, contemplative non-fiction work,Sophie Fontaneldescribed her cynicism at the arrival of the Olympic Games into Paris, all the unwanted infrastructure, inconvenience, people and disturbance. So much was she affronted, she left the city the opening ceremony week and went off to a Greek...
Observing and quantifying primate behavior in the wild is challenging. Human presence affects primate behavior and habituation of new, especially terrestrial, individuals is a time-intensive process that carries with it ethical and health concerns, especially during the recent pandemic when primates are ...
Energy is a part of nature affecting every living thing in positive, negative and neutral ways. The Earth itself is a dipole magnet with a north and a south pole. All living things have evolved within the protective cradle of the Earth’s natural geomagnetic fields. In fact, magnetic oscilla...
FIRES IN BRAZIL’S AMAZON RAINFOREST JUMP IN OCTOBER “Fires in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest surged in October and the number of blazes is up 25 percent in the first 10 months of 2020, compared with a year ago, data from government space research agency INPE showed. The agency recorded 17...
To begin with, this involves rejecting the link between growth and improvement in the standard of living. This has to be countered, of course, by the fact that as the population grows more energy will be consumed. Importantly, however, “high energy civilizations” may face the risk of ...
What are some examples of detritivores that live in the ocean? What are the living parts of an ecosystem? What are living things in an ecological system called? What forms of living things characterized the Cambrian period? What are examples of unicellular organisms? What are exam...
It made things even worse when it intervened in Afghanistan in the late 80’s, and things have been downhill ever since. ISIS exists because of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Take a look at the existence of normal people in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc in the 50’s, before the ...
One choice we don’t seem to have is for everyone to call it quits and sink into earth, leaving the planet for all the other living things. People aren’t wired for that act of grace and mercy. So, try hard to do the least damage while you are here. Thats the best fall back pos...