On the Non-Linear Diophantine Equation p^x+(p+4^n)^y=z^2 where p and p+4^n are Primesdoi:10.22457/apam.v23n2a09830Vipawadee Moonchaisook
6) linear multivariate Diophantine equation 多元一次不定方程 1. In this paper a couple oflinear multivariate Diophantine equations are considered. 研究了两个数中包含 Fibonacci数的积的多元一次不定方程,求得了它们的一切整数解的非常简单而有趣的表达式,从而得到了构造两类Fibonacci恒等式的方法。
H. GreenbergH. Greenberg, The linear Diophantine equation in nonnegative variables, Math- ematica in Education and Research 8 (1999) 72-74.The linear Diophantine equation in nonnegative variables - Greenberg - 1999
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II. Some non-linear solutions. J Math Phys, 28, 124-127 (1987). An acknowle... Simcha Brudno. Nontrivial zeros of the Wigner (3j) and Racah (6j) coefficients. II. Some non-linear solutions. J Math Phys, 28, 124-127 (1987)... T Glonek,S Brudno - 《Journal of Mathematical Ph...
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7.Some Conditions of Nonsingularity of Linear Combinations of Idempotent Matrices;幂等矩阵线性组合可逆性的若干条件 8.Polynomial Maps with Additive-nilpotent Jacobian Matrix带有可加幂零Jacobi矩阵的多项式映射 9.Markov Chain Based on Square Matrix of Factorial Power基于方阵乘幂的马尔可夫链问题研究 ...
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THE NON-NEGATIVE integra solution of a linear equation of a special type is shown to be unique. On this basis we devise a method of constructing an equatio, equivalent to a system of equations of a certain class with integer-valued left-... DA Babaev,KS Mamedov - 《Ussr Computational Mat...