这种方程便是一种丢番图方程的例子 丢番图方程(Diophantine Equation)是一个有几个未知数组成、系数为整数的代数方程。 本节课我们主要学习丢番图方程的一阶情况,也就是线性丢番图方程(Linear Diophantine Equations) 定义5.1 - 线性丢番图方程 线性丢番图方程(Linear Diophantine Equations)是形如ax+by=c,\quad...
A linear diophantine equation has the form $$ {a_1}{x_1} + {a_2}{x_2} + ... + {a_n}{x_n} = c $$ where a1, a2,..., an, c are integer constants and x1, x2,..., xn are integer variables. As we saw in Chapter 3, these equations play a very important role in ...
Determination of the number of solutions of linear Diophantine equations and its applications in the theory of invariant cubature formulas Israilov, Determination of the number of solutions of linear Diophantine equations and their applications in the theory of invariant cubature formulas , Sibir... MI...
hi.baidu.com|基于5个网页 例句 释义: 全部,线性丢番图方程 更多例句筛选 1. Aclassoflineardiophantineequationswith Lucasnumbercoefficients 一类以Lucas数为系数的线性不定方程 www.ilib.cn
1) linear Diophantine equations 线性丢番图方程组1. For combinatorics, linear Diophantine equations,counting integer points in polytope,Frobenins problemes etc. 组合数学方面,可对线性丢番图方程组整解数目、多面体内整点计数、Frobenius问题等相关问题进行研究。
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Chen, S. and Li, N. (2007). On a Conjecture about the Number of Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations with a Positive Integer Parameter. Available at http://www.citebase.org/abstract?id=oai:arXiv.org:0710.0177On a Conjecture about the Number of Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations...
4) linear multivariate Diophantine equation 多元一次不定方程 1. In this paper a couple oflinear multivariate Diophantine equations are considered. 研究了两个数中包含 Fibonacci数的积的多元一次不定方程,求得了它们的一切整数解的非常简单而有趣的表达式,从而得到了构造两类Fibonacci恒等式的方法。
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The importance of formulation and proof NP-completeness for theoretic-number problems is connected with the fact that a polynomial (under the number of Turing machine steps) algorithm solving any of these problem is absent at the present time and probably would not be found in the future (see,...