Ronald McDonald House Charities of Columbia announced a new multi-year partnership with Combined Insurance, marking the beginning of their role as a Hospital Hero Partner. To commemorate the occasion, Combined… Read More Posted in: midlandsbiz Category: insurance, non-profit, on-the-move ...
As in years past, Kalamazoo has a number for fireworks complaints specifically within the city. Should you witness someone commit a fireworks faux-pax, you're asked NOT to call the standard emergency line, but a direct, non-emergency line at (269) 488-8911. This will connect you with a ...
POLICEIntroduction. Bystanders at overdose events often hesitate to call 911 due to fear of police involvement. To address this, in 2016, British Columbia Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) introduced a policy to not routinely inform police of overdose events. This study explores cha...
Recently, the sad plight of a Columbia student, Emma Sulkowicz who had been raped on campus was brought to light by her courageous quest for justice. Since the university would not expel her alleged rapist, she has decided to carry a twin size mattress everywhere she goes on campus to call...
A number would have made more sense to me if they wanted us to be nothing and nobody. But a number is a way to trace us, and it would have been unique. It would have been remembered and displayed somewhere. By changing our names they made sure, not that we struggled on the inside...
VANCOUVER — A free and confidential legal service is now being offered to people who have been sexually assaulted in British Columbia.
Firearms are a substantial cause of injury-related morbidity and mortality in Canada and globally, though evidence from contexts other than the USA is relatively limited. We examined deaths, hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits due to fi
By saying that it’s done by the emergency medical personnel, they basically are trying to have it both ways. That is, they’re trying to use a medical protocol that is not validated, not for a police function, arrest and detention,” Miles said. “The decision to administer Versed is ... They know it isn’t possible but they can’t show it even though it’s a straightforward derivation.Stephen Hren 09/01/2021 at 6:59 pm Covid Variant Update: Mu from Columbia: https://www.cnbc....
We may contact you and/or proper authorities (e.g., your child's therapist, Child Protec- tive Services, the police, emergency mental health services) if your child reports suicidality, threat- ens severe harm to others, or discloses information about suspected or known...