In her slim, contemplative non-fiction work,Sophie Fontaneldescribed her cynicism at the arrival of the Olympic Games into Paris, all the unwanted infrastructure, inconvenience, people and disturbance. So much was she affronted, she left the city the opening ceremony week and went off to a Greek...
6.Cars involved in the derailment contained vinyl chloride, combustible liquids, benzene residue and nonhazardous materials, such as plastic pellets and wheat, according to information posted to the Facebook page of the Columbiana County Emergency Management Agency. ...
Recently, the sad plight of a Columbia student, Emma Sulkowicz who had been raped on campus was brought to light by her courageous quest for justice. Since the university would not expel her alleged rapist, she has decided to carry a twin size mattress everywhere she goes on campus to call...
Firearms are a substantial cause of injury-related morbidity and mortality in Canada and globally, though evidence from contexts other than the USA is relatively limited. We examined deaths, hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits due to fi
A greater understanding of such risks may improve response strategies and promote public and police safety.Christine HallDepartment of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Faculty of Medicine, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia...
By saying that it’s done by the emergency medical personnel, they basically are trying to have it both ways. That is, they’re trying to use a medical protocol that is not validated, not for a police function, arrest and detention,” Miles said. “The decision to administer Versed is ...
We may contact you and/or proper authorities (e.g., your child's therapist, Child Protec- tive Services, the police, emergency mental health services) if your child reports suicidality, threat- ens severe harm to others, or discloses information about suspected or known...
It is preparing to file suit against its land- Columbia University School of Public Health lord. nccordine to Klockner's akmev. Kenneth Everett of Becker. Adminismtors at theColumbia UniversitvSchwl ofPublicHealth ~l~,~e1nmed&~uffl~in~ew~o~.~1ockner'sclaimwillfnrelalrnon~ged a suite...
Conference proceedings: International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE); 26–30 Aug 2012; Columbia (SC) Lewis AS, Sax SN, Wason SC, Campleman SL. Non-chemical stressors and cumulative risk assessment: an overview of current initiatives and potential air pollutant interactions. Int J En...
Adeera Levin is Professor of Medicine and Head of the Division of Nephrology, University of British Columbia, in Vancouver Canada.She is the Executive Director of the BC Provincial Renal Agency, and President Elect of the International Society of Nephrology. ...