Then, the ulama’s authority is strengthened by the establishment of the Ulama Consultative Council (MPU) (Shaw 2008). Fifth, public spheres dominated by the Islamic identity have impacted non-Muslim women in Aceh. Although they remain independent and are not subdued by Islamic values and Muslim...
These results appear to be due to the earlier establishment of predictions of the complex state transitions in the task. This can be explained if the proself group used model-based learning more intensively than the prosocial group, since the model-based process involves learning the probabilistic...
note that group reflections are indeed successful in unearthing the encouraging and disheartening facets of their clinical experiences [23]. This allows some unfavorable effects to be allayed [23]. Key, however, is the establishment of a safe environment for reflection and...
A Petri net is a system in which a meaning of simple interpretation is assigned to a set of signals. Petri nets can provide a particularly effective means of modeling a parallel operation. One of the advantages to be derived by modeling a system with a Petri net is the establishment of ...
functions in the administration of a school system, in an educational establishment or institution, or of a department or subdivision thereof, in work directly related to the academic instruction or training. they must customarily and regularly exercise discretion and independent judgment. an exempt ...
Mobile DNA (2018) 9:28 Page 13 of 19 establishment of the selective process on this neural gene, which in turn may have affected our species differentiation. Conclusions The results presented in this study suggest that non-LTR retrotransposons-mediated processes might have played a significant ...
(SLE), hypertension, and cancer8,9. Dysregulation of specific RNA modifications is particularly notable in cancer, where they play pivotal functional roles in tumorigenesis, tumor invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis, hematological malignancies, and the establishment of tumor microenvironments conducive to ...
With the establishment of the key features of self concept, and the acceptance of these in conceptualizing its nature, attention may now shift to the issue of self concept across cultures. Research in this area points to two contradictory directions; Some studies have found no relationship between...
“Beyond the Margins: Reflective Writing and Development of Reflective Capacity in Medical Education”.Text of similar meaning were classified into categories whilst any data uncaptured by the pre-existing codes were prescribed new ones. Consensus on the key categories was similarly achieved through“...
According to this it is, however, overall likely that the establishment of a negotiated agreement between the Danish government and the hunting community could lead to a further and significant transition from the use of lead to non-lead rifle ammunition based solely on a voluntary approach. ...