The major non-NIP vaccine financing sources in China are as follows: (1) direct out-of-pocket payments; (2) government fiscal support paid by special funds; (3) the private medical savings account (PMSA) of basic healthcare insurance scheme known as the Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance...
feminine characteristics. Pregnant women, for example, might have this sensitivity as they have to pay more attention to the parental investment of potential mates (Leifer,1977). Thus, facial manipulation methods could interact with pregnancy status and jointly influence women’s preference for male ...
2023;71:101083. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Matos-Gomes N, Katsurayama M, Makimoto FH, Santana LL, Paredes-Garcia E, Becker MA, Dos-Santos MC. Psychological stress and its influence on salivary flow rate, total protein concentration and IgA, IgG and IgM titers. Neuroimmunomodulation....
Although digital inclusive finance provides funds to cooperatives, if these funds are not effectively used for low-carbon technology or green practices, their potential for carbon reduction may be weakened. In summary, under the current development model of digital inclusive finance, the stronger the ...
Medications: Provide a consistent supply chain of essential drugs, an efficient system for their distribution to patients, and training on appropriate use. Financing: Provide adequate funds for essential program supplies, pay NPHWs fairly and consistently, and minimize patient out-of-pocket costs. The...
2023). Accordingly, we incorporate a dynamic perspective into the UGT framework to investigate how societal disruptions affect the roles of mobile and non-mobile Internet. The impact of mobile and non-mobile internet on subjective well-being Both mobile and non-mobile Internet enable individuals to...
Accordingly, the Bank confirms that the Bonds are not appropriate as an investment for retail investors in Hong Kong. Investors should carefully consider the risks involved. NOTICE OF THE PUBLICATION OF OFFERING CIRCULAR ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED (the "Bank") (A joint stock ...
establish and maintain appropriate internal controls and risk management measures, including an effective business continuity plan commensurate with their size and scale of business, to protect their key business functions of market making. ...
Open AccessThis chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to...
when being confronted with business location decisions. Faced with location decisions of a new headquarter, for instance, they should consider areas with lower competition for non-scale free resources. When already being in place, it highlights the relevance of employer branding and appropriate recruiti...