(Mage = 23.54,SD = 3.99) rated the perceived masculinity of the 60 male facial photographs on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = lowest masculinity, 7 = highest masculinity). The reliability (Cronbach’sα) between participants was 0.91, and the mean masculinity rating of all ...
Define nonarbitrary. nonarbitrary synonyms, nonarbitrary pronunciation, nonarbitrary translation, English dictionary definition of nonarbitrary. adj not arbitrary or capricious Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©
that not only focuses on the leadership role of this one extraordinary woman, but will likely expand most reader’s knowledge of what living in France under German occupation was like for the many, who vehemently opposed the way their government had capitulated to a hostile outside force,...
benefit sharing can start accruing from the moment of planning a collection in ABNJ, for example by providing partnership opportunities and opportunities for technical and scientific cooperation to scientists, in particular from developing countries. This letter (d) should be read in conjunction with le...
“The benchmark for health insurance payment is the three major catalogs that I have introduced, and if this thing is not in the three major catalogs, the medical insurance funds can’t pay for it according to the regulations. “(Interviewee 41 county from the medical insurance bureau). “...
Although digital inclusive finance provides funds to cooperatives, if these funds are not effectively used for low-carbon technology or green practices, their potential for carbon reduction may be weakened. In summary, under the current development model of digital inclusive finance, the stronger the ...
D.W. Diamond, R.G. Rajan Liquidity risk, liquidity creation, and financial fragility: A theory of banking Journal of Political Economy, 109 (2001), pp. 287-327 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Dixon, Clancy and Kumar, 2012 L. Dixon, N. Clancy, K. Kumar Do hedge funds pose a systemic ri...
The Basel I implementation requires that the bank raise the amount of its own funds. This means that, for the same amount of loans, the bank needs more capital, which reduces the surplus of insider. It is the outsiders who compensate this loss by paying a market price of the shares ...
A composite Inflammation and Physiological Dysregulation Index (IPDI) was calculated as a count of potentially unhealthy values of dichotomized biomarkers. In 20 individuals who completed the survey (average age 46 years, 75% females), allergy to house dust was significantly associated with increased ...
are limited to a subject number of accessible quantity and constrained by opportunity costs (Kang and Kim2020; Levinthal and Wu2010). It means, firm resources should be allocated in a way that the use of scale-free resources is not impeded, while the use of non-scale-free resources is op...