Welcome to Non-alien Creatures Wiki, or NAC (acronym), an online database of beings from cryptozoology, works of fiction and folklore. As long as it isn't an alien, it's here. Non-alien is a term created by us (see NAC: Editing). We are a small but growing wiki. Want to hel...
The Unagi is a giant carnivorous eel which inhabits the sea off the coast of Kyoshi Island, in the Earth Kingdom. The Unagi is an elongated daikaiju-sized creature with smooth black skin, green eyes, sharp teeth, sensitive barbels, and a row of fins on i
Fan Central Current Spoink Grumpig
SnowAgumonis the snow variation ofAgumon. Categories
Dig DeeperResearchers Claim Octopuses Are Alien Life Forms And DeeperWhat Octopus Eggs Look Like When They're Hatching Is Straight Out Of A Sci-Fi Movie And DeeperAnimals That Can Change Their Color (And How They Do It) 1,090 votes
Senior Pollination Technician #3:[TS4:GTW] Impregnate male sims during an alien abduction. Father Winter:[TS4:S] When a holiday has the "Father Winter" tradition, Father Winter will spawn from the fireplace or on walkby if there's no fireplace to deliver presents. Sims can also fight Fat...
XP - Experience Points. Also called Character Points (CP) or just Experience. Historically, XP were only awarded for any creatures overcome (read "killed") during an adventure or gaming session. Now, however, with more of an emphasis on roleplaying and less on combat, XP are awarded more ...
The Dogs of War. The Q Continuum. I, Q. Star Trek: Borg. Star Trek: ConQuest Online. Qarticle atMemory Alpha, the wiki for canonStar Trek. Q (Star Trek)article atWikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
While Kirk and crew were on their way to Earth via the Bird-of-Prey, Earth was approached by an alien probe that neutralized all technology and threatened to ionize Earth's atmosphere in its attempts to communicate with a long-extinct Earth species, the humpback whale. ...
humanity, in which human and, arguably, alien intellects could merge indistinguishably in any text, erasing the distinction between human- and non-human language. We solicit abstracts on the following questions: How has the discourse of language changed since the introduction of AI-generated text...