Welcome to Non-alien Creatures Wiki, or NAC (acronym), an online database of beings from cryptozoology, works of fiction and folklore. As long as it isn't an alien, it's here. Non-alien is a term created by us (see NAC: Editing). We are a small but growing wiki. Want to hel...
Welcome to Non-alien Creatures Wiki, or NAC (acronym), an online database of beings from cryptozoology, works of fiction and folklore. As long as it isn't an alien, it's here. Non-alien is a term created by us (see NAC: Editing). We are a small but growing wiki. Want to hel...
The Unagi is a giant carnivorous eel which inhabits the sea off the coast of Kyoshi Island, in the Earth Kingdom. The Unagi is an elongated daikaiju-sized creature with smooth black skin, green eyes, sharp teeth, sensitive barbels, and a row of fins on i
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SnowAgumon SnowAgumonis the snow variation ofAgumon. Categories