scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e6b707", "#2166AC", "#B2182B")) + labs(title = "Calibration Curves for Nomogram-Predicted Survival", x = "Predicted Probability", y = "Observed Probability", color = "Time") + xlim(0, 1) + ylim(0, 1) + theme_classic() + coord_fixed()+ t...
选择相应的特征后,点击Predict按钮,即可生成上图右侧的生存率及其95%置信区间;勾选左侧下方的Predicted Survival at this Follow Up,拖动按钮,即可得到不同随访时间的生存率和生存曲线。另外点击上部的Numerical Summary和Survival Plot可以得到与上图对应的数据表格和生存曲线,如图5、图6。 图5. 不同特征和随访时间的...
Calibration of the nomogram‐predicted survival corresponding closely with the actual survival, the predicted survival was within a 10% margin of ideal nomogram. Conclusion We developed a nomogram predicting 1‐year overall survival and half‐year disease‐free survival after curative resection for HCC ...
Notes: The X-axis represents the predicted survival of nomogram, and on the Y-axis is plotted actual survival. The dotted line represents the ideal correlationship between predicted and actual survival. Abbreviations: DSS, disease-specific survival; SEER, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results....
选择相应的特征后,点击Predict按钮,即可生成上图右侧的生存率及其95%置信区间;勾选左侧下方的Predicted Survival at this Follow Up,拖动按钮,即可得到不同随访时间的生存率和生存曲线。另外点击上部的Numerical Summary和Survival Plot可以得到与上图对应的数据表格和生存曲线,如图5、图6。
The calibration curves showed that the predicted survival was very close to the actual survival.Conclusion We analyzed the independent risk factors for prognosis of SBA patients, and established nomograms to predict the 3- and 5-year survival rates of OS and CSS. These new prognostic tools can ...
Calibration plots comparing nomogram-predicted and actual survival probabilities ata3 andb5 years. The dotted line is thereference indicating ideal prediction ▲Nomogram to predict survival after hepatectomy in patients with initially unrese...
Calibration of the nomogram predicted survival was similar to the actual overall survival. In the validation set, the discrimination of nomogram was also better than the AJCC TNM staging system (C-index, 0.75 and 0.65, respectively), and the calibration of nomogram predicted survival was within a...
The calibration curves were assessed by plotting the observed survival against the nomogram-predicted survival in all sets. We further applied explainable techniques to interpret the radiomics model to reveal the decision-making process of the model as well as the importance of features [20, 21]. ...
本例有三个自建函数,不过都是对应生成生存率的Survival这一个函数,因此三条预测概率坐标轴刻度使用了相同的fun.at值; #funlabel:预测横轴名称,默认"Predicted Value"; 是否显示得分的置信区间,默认否; #maxscale:默认单变量最大分数值是100分。 ##绘制、美化列线图 plot(Nom.Surv,xfrac=.25,col...