funlabel = c('1-y survival', '3-y survival', '5-y survival'), lp = F) plot(x) 诺模图-regplot library(regplot) library(survival) mod2 <- cph(Surv(OS.time, OS) ~ cluster + gender + neoadjuvant,data=dat,x=T,y=T,surv = T) # 第一类 regplot(mod2, failtime = c(365,365*...
Considering that the overall survival (OS) of each GBM patient is a key factor in the treatment of individuals, it is meaningful to predict the survival probability for GBM patients newly diagnosed in clinical practice.doi:10.1002/brb3.1258Wang, Lingchen...
在图的左边是患者特征,就像excel的下拉菜单,可以选择不同的亚组。选择相应的特征后,点击Predict按钮,即可生成上图右侧的生存率及其95%置信区间;勾选左侧下方的Predicted Survival at this Follow Up,拖动按钮,即可得到不同随访时间的生存率和生存曲线。另外点击上部的Numerical Summary和Survival Plot可以得到与上图对应...
survival A 0.95 0.90 Adenocarcinoma validation set (n=1,860) 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 B 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 Nomogram-predicted probability of 1-year DSS 0.7 Adenocarcinoma validation set (n=1,860) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Nomogram-predicted probability of 3-year...
"2-year Survival Probability")) plot(nom, xfrac=.6) COX比例风险模型nomogram ## 评价COX回归的预测效果 ## 计算c-index rcorrcens(Surv(time,status) ~ predict(f2), data = lung) Somers' Rank Correlation for Censored Data Response variable:Surv(time, status) ...
funlabel=c("1-year Survival Probability", "2-year Survival Probability")) plot(nom, xfrac=.6) ## 评价COX回归的预测效果 ## 第一步 计算c-index rcorrcens(Surv(time,status) ~ predict(f2), data = lung) ## 第二步 绘制校正曲线
funlabel="Median Survival Time") plot(nom) ## 绘制COX回归生存概率的Nomogram图 ## 注意lung数据的time是以”天“为单位 nom <- nomogram(f2, fun=list(function(x) surv(365, x), function(x) surv(730, x)), funlabel=c("1-year Survival Probability", ...
surv<- Survival(coxm)# 建立生存函数 surv1<-function(x)surv(1*12,lp=x)# 定义,1年OS surv2<-function(x)surv(1*36,lp=x)# 定义,3年OS surv3<-function(x)surv(1*60,lp=x)# 定义,5年OS dd<-datadist(breast...
根据图1,大概得知具有上述特征患者的Total points和1-year survival probability分别约为190和0.72。下面开始用DynNom ( )绘制动态列线图,主要代码如下: fcox <- cph(Surv(time, status) ~ Agecat + IPSSR + TP53 + SF3B1 + EZH2 + IDH1, surv=T, data=dat) DynNom(fcox, dat) ##注意,数据框的名字...
plot(cal, xlab = "Predicted Probability", ylab = "Observed Probability") 接下来小编基于logistic回归分析构建Nomogram列线图的方法,预测结直肠癌患的生存概率,使用的数据集还是survival包的colon数据集。这个数据集实际上是生存数据,也就是结局变量同时包含了生存时间与生存结局。为了与本节的主题保持一致,所以我们...