必应词典为您提供noise-sensitivity的释义,un. 噪声灵敏度; 网络释义: 杂讯的敏感度;噪声敏感性;噪声灵敏度声;
effective sensitivity 有效灵敏度 fuel sensitivity 燃料敏感性 flaw sensitivity 缺陷灵敏度 相似单词 sensitivity n.[C,U] 敏感,多愁善感,感受性 noise n. 1.[C,U]噪音,杂讯,响声,喧闹 2.[pl]应酬话 v. 1.[T]谣传 2.[I]喧闹 shock sensitivity 冲击灵敏度,震动灵敏度 ultra sensitivity 特高...
noise sensitivity Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 a noise— 咾 sensitivity名— 敏感名 · 敏感度名 sensitive形— 敏感形 · 敏感的形 · 敏感性形 · 感性形 · 灵敏的形
noise quieting sensitivity 噪声抑制灵敏度,静噪灵敏度,静噪灵敏度 noise limited detector 噪声限制检测器 相似单词 limited adj. 1.有限制的,有限的 2.少的 3.见识不广的 n.[C]高级快车 sensitivity n.[C,U] 敏感,多愁善感,感受性 noise n. 1.[C,U]噪音,杂讯,响声,喧闹 2.[pl]应酬话 v....
3) noise sensitivity 噪声灵敏度<声> 4) environmental noise sensitivity 环境噪声灵敏度 1. In this paper, some proposals concerning the test and report for exciting input, self noise andenvironmental noise sensitivityare presented, so that these works could be done effectivily using now available ...
基于扰动调制的音频数字水印方法,通过按声音掩蔽效应先对音频信号分段,并取离散小波变换的低频成分,按扰动调制技术嵌入已置乱的水印信息,解决了直接在低频成分嵌入水印信号所带来的敏感噪声问题。 5) noise-sensitive 噪声敏感处 6) noise sensitivity 噪声敏感度 ...
[0,1]. We extend the study to general functionsf, proving that privacy can be preserved by calibrating the standard deviation of the noise according to thesensitivityof the functionf. Roughly speaking, this is the amount that any single argument tofcan change its output. The new analysis ...
The Noise Sensitivity Questionnaire (NoiSeQ) aims at the measurement of global noise sensitivity as well as the sensitivity for five domains of everyday life namely 'Leisure', 'Work', 'Habitation', 'Communication' and 'Sleep'. The present investigation examined the factorial validity of the NoiSeQ...
These papers bring out the inherent degradation in noise sensitivity active receivers can trigger, if they do not have input characteristics which are an appropriate complement to the system driving impedances. From a noise introduction point of view, the balanced transmission system under discussion ...
美 英 un.限噪灵敏度 网络杂讯极限敏感度 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 限噪灵敏度 例句 释义: 全部,限噪灵敏度,杂讯极限敏感度 更多例句筛选 1. Agechannelnoiselimitedsensitivity 图像通道的有限杂波灵敏度 www.powerdict.com