The present dissertation aims to investigate the noise sensitivity and preferences of adolescents with (n = 52) and without ADHD (n = 51), and the impact of noise on the academic performance of youth with ADHD. First, participants completed a questionnaire examining their levels of...
The present dissertation aims to investigate the noise sensitivity and preferences of adolescents with (n = 52) and without ADHD (n = 51), and the impact of noise on the academic performance of youth with ADHD. First, participants completed a questionnaire examining their levels of noise ...
At the outset, participants indicated their gender, age, and dominant hand, reported any sensitivity to noise and completed the online hearing screening. The E445 was placed on the participant’s wrist, and the participant remained still for 5 min to collect an EDA baseline. Then, ...
Interpretation of sensitivity analyses eFigure 1. Correlations between NO2, PM2.5, and noise pollution across pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence eFigure 2. Directed acyclic graph (DAG) eTable 1. Association of early-life noise pollution exposure with youth mental health problems, treating noise ...
The sensitivity of the SPN to bottom-up grouping signals and its ubiquitous presence in the neural response of children and adults suggests that it may serve as a candidate for detecting putative vowel processing dysfunction at the level of the auditory cortex in children with ASD. Although ...
For instance, using a global motion task, it has been suggested that high frequency tRNS was able to tune in neurons near the directional signal and improved signal pooling of the local cues, by an increased signal-to-noise ratio, which in turn increased the overall sensitivity for the ...
Moreover, studies suggest brown noise’s efficacy extends to hyperacusis, a condition that increases sensitivity to sound by reducing overall environmental noise and discomfort.
This reveals the sensitivity of the three spindle detection algorithms to the noise contamination which can lead to degradation in the detection of sleep spindles. However, Spinky algorithm are less affected by noise contamination than Mc-Sleep and Spindler algorithms (see Table 3). Spinky achieves...
Mental health as context rather than health outcome of noise: Competing hyptheses regarding the role of sensitivity, perceived soundscapes and restoration Evidence on the effects of environmental noise on mental health in adults and children over the past 5 year`s leans towards the conclusion that ...
In particular the signatures from participants with inattentive and combined subtypes of ADHD reveal the sensitivity of these metrics to medication intake. (D) Same format as in (C) presenting consistent results for the rates of change of the head’s angular rotations. Note that in (C,D), ...