The experiment shows that this method can powerfully denoise salt-and-pepper noise with good edge-preserving. 实验结果证明,这种方法不但能有效地滤除椒盐噪声,而且能够很好地保持边缘。 2. Prepared in this experiment, a median filtering process, and salt and pepper noise generated by the im...
Salt and pepper noise is the kind of noise that is commonly caused by dirt debris at the capturing tool and appears as black and white dots in an image. This work proposes a model to identify the level of salt and pepper noise in an image using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN...
1.However, salt & pepper noise occur during ima ge generation, communication and transformation, and affect image quality.为了消除图像上的椒盐噪声,并尽量保持图像的清晰度 ,提出了一种在中值滤波基础上 ,经过灰度直方图的分析 ,再采用合适的灰度级形态学运算去除图像中的椒盐噪声的新方法。 2.The median fi...
4.3 Salt and Pepper Noise Salt and pepper noise refers to a wide variety of processes that result in the same basic image degradation: only a few pixels are noisy, but they are very noisy. The effect is similar to sprinkling white and black dots – salt and pepper – on the image. One...
2) Salt & pepper noise 椒盐噪声 1. However, salt & pepper noise occur during ima ge generation, communication and transformation, and affect image quality. 为了消除图像上的椒盐噪声 ,并尽量保持图像的清晰度 ,提出了一种在中值滤波基础上 ,经过灰度直方图的分析 ,再采用合适的灰度级形态学运算去除图像...
M. Anand and Y. Narasimha, "Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise from highly Corrupted Images using Mean Deviation statistical parameter," International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), vol/issue: 5(02), 2013.Anand, M. and Narasimha, Y. (2013) Removal of salt and pepper ...
def peakmem_salt_and_pepper(self, amount, salt_vs_pepper): self._make_salt_and_pepper_noise(amount, salt_vs_pepper) def time_salt_and_pepper(self, amount, salt_vs_pepper): self._make_salt_and_pepper_noise(amount, salt_vs_pepper) def _make_salt_and_pepper_noise(self, amount, salt...
In this paper we propose two phase scheme for removing salt and pepper noise and edge preservation; in the first phase Adaptive median filter is used to detect corrupted pixel and preserving the edges. In the second phase Non-Local Means algorithm is used in order to have better quality of ...
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ''' @paper:Noise Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Median Filter for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Reduction ''' import numpy as np # Adaptive Weighted Mean Filter class Nafsmf(object): def __init__(self, h, s_max, T1, T2): self.h = h self.s_max = s_max self.T1...
椒盐噪声Salt and Pepper,取盐和胡椒的颜色,salt指代暗区中的亮点,pepper指代亮区中的暗点。CMOS sensor 中的hot pixel在图像中即表现为椒盐噪声。 斑点噪声Speckle,根据相干原理进行成像的系统中普遍存在的一类噪声,如超声、雷达、SAR等。噪声原理是反射表面在波长尺度上是粗糙的,因此反射波存在明显的散射效应(scatter...