The algorithm sets the range of noise pixels based on the characteristics of salt and pepper noise. 该算法根据椒盐噪声的特点,确定了准噪声点的范围; 8. It has proved that this algorithm can not only effectively remove salt and pepper noise, but also protect the details. 实...
椒盐噪声是指两种噪声,一种是盐噪声(salt noise)盐 = 白色(255),另一种是胡椒噪声(pepper noise)椒 = 黑色(0)。前者是高灰度噪声,后者属于低灰度噪声。一般两种噪声同时出现,呈现在图像上就是黑白杂点。 对于彩色图像,也有可能表现为在单个像素BGR三个通道同时随机出现的255或0,也是模拟的原理。 源代码 #incl...
1.However, salt & pepper noise occur during ima ge generation, communication and transformation, and affect image quality.为了消除图像上的椒盐噪声,并尽量保持图像的清晰度 ,提出了一种在中值滤波基础上 ,经过灰度直方图的分析 ,再采用合适的灰度级形态学运算去除图像中的椒盐噪声的新方法。 2.The median fi...
Most computer vision applications such as object detection and edge detection are heavily influenced by the presence of noise. The presence of noise mandates pre-processing. Determining the noise level (whether high or low) is a demanding field in current times. Salt and pepper noise is the ...
2) Salt & pepper noise 椒盐噪声 1. However, salt & pepper noise occur during ima ge generation, communication and transformation, and affect image quality. 为了消除图像上的椒盐噪声 ,并尽量保持图像的清晰度 ,提出了一种在中值滤波基础上 ,经过灰度直方图的分析 ,再采用合适的灰度级形态学运算去除图像...
因为最早有椒盐噪声(salt-and-pepper noise)这种说法,指的是在二值图中出现的黑色噪声点和白色噪声点...
文章首发于个人博客:,转载请联系作者。 处理图像时,我们用的图片往往都会有很多噪声。在黑暗中或是设备感光器受到影响,拍出来的图像就会有很多噪声,俗称“噪点”,Salt
self._make_salt_and_pepper_noise(amount, salt_vs_pepper) def time_salt_and_pepper(self, amount, salt_vs_pepper): self._make_salt_and_pepper_noise(amount, salt_vs_pepper) def _make_salt_and_pepper_noise(self, amount, salt_vs_pepper): util.random_noise( self.image, mode="s&p", amo...
为了有效地去除数字图像中的椒盐噪声,提高图像质量,本文 在分析一些典型消除噪声方法的基础上,给出了一种新的椒盐噪声去除算法。首先,针对椒 盐噪声的特点,设计了一种基于动态窗口和邻域像素统计信息的噪声检测算法,有效地区分 了噪声点与非噪声,然后对检测出的噪声