我爱音频网此前还拆解过NOISE旗下的NOISE ColorFit Pro 4 智能手表、Noise Air Buds真无线耳机、Noise Shots XO真无线蓝牙耳机,下面再来看看这款产品的详细外观设计和内部结构配置信息吧~ 一、Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz智能手表开箱 Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz 智能手表包装盒整体采用全黑的设计,更好地突出展...
经我爱音频网实测,Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz 智能手表整机重量约为37.4 g。 爱音频网采用ChargerLAB POWER-Z KT002便携式电源测试仪对Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz 智能手表进行有线充电测试,输入功率约为1.04W。 二、Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz智能手表拆解 进入拆解部分,解开卡扣取掉表带。 加热屏幕边缘,...
Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz comes as a new smart companion watch for Indian consumers loaded withhealth trackingand other options. The brand hasmade quite a buzzin the smartwatch market in the country; with a whole line-up of watches dedicated to fitness and health tracking features. ...
Noise has launched yet another smartwatch dubbed as ColorFit Caliber for the Indian consumers; at an affordable price point with loads of features. The latest smartwatch from the audio and fitness accessories brand comes with a battery backup of up to 15 days; on a single charge along with ...
一、Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz智能手表开箱 Noise ColorFit Pulse Go Buzz 智能手表包装盒整体采用全黑的设计,更好地突出展示了产品。包装盒正面设计有品牌LOGO和产品名称,以及手表表盘的外观设计渲染图。 包装盒背面介绍有产品的功能特点,包括:1.69英寸高清触控屏、蓝牙通话、心率监控、血氧检测、电话和短信快速回复...