Noise has launched its newColorFit Ultra 2 smartwatchin India packed with tons of options and health-related features. This newly unveiled smartwatch from the brand is a successor for the Noise ColorFit Ultra; which had a smaller screen when compared to the new edition. Moreover, the smartwat...
Noise ColorFit Chrome smartwatch specs: The ColorFit Chrome features a square dial encased in a stylish metallic frame and strap, complemented by a functional crown, making it aesthetically appealing. Boasting a sizable 1.85″ AMOLED screen, the smartwatch offers more than 100 customizable watch face...
Noise has launched yet another smartwatch dubbed as ColorFit Caliber for the Indian consumers; at an affordable price point with loads of features. The latest smartwatch from the audio and fitness accessories brand comes with a battery backup of up to 15 days; on a single charge along with ...
为什么Fire-Boltt Smartwatch BSW001优于Noise ColorFit Ultra? 7.2 mm 更薄 ? 4.7 mmvs11.9 mm 37.1 mm 更短 ? 9.5 mmvs46.6 mm 29.9 mm 的宽度差距 ? 8.7 mmvs38.6 mm 体积小98.19% ? 0.39 cm³vs21.41 cm³ 向下滚动,浏览更多细节
Is the Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Max the ideal sub-5K smartwatch? Let's find out. Noise ColorFit Pro 4 Max Design The ColorFit Pro 4 Max, like most budget smartwatches, is inspired by the Apple Watch; however, some design elements are easily dis...
Noise has officiallylaunchedthe ColorFit Pro 3 budget smartwatch in India. ThisApple Watchlookalike wearable is priced at ₹3,999 ($55). It can be purchased from either Amazon India or the brand’s official website –
Noise ColorFit Icon Buzz comes as a new smart companion watch for Indian consumers loaded withhealth trackingand other options. The brand hasmade quite a buzzin the smartwatch market in the country; with a whole line-up of watches dedicated to fitness and health tracking features. ...