我想重写404响应的html错误页面作为JSON响应。当我使用@ControllerAdvise而不使用@enableWebMVC时,它不起作用。 @EnableWebMvc// if i remove this, it is not working@ControllerAdvice@Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE)publicclassGlobalControllerExceptionHandler{@ExceptionHandler(NoHandlerFoundException.class)publicResp...
When I changed the Spring Boot dependency to 1.2.x, the behaviour changed in ways not documented in the migration notes, so I had to scour the web for a better alternative. Using@ControllerAdviceand custom@ExceptionHandlers seemed to be the most idiomatic way to handle application-defined excep...
I have tried using both microsoft's SQL driver and the sourceforge SQL driver, only the sourceforge driver is working. But it will not run the Database evolution script. BUILD.SBT - When I create my d... Universal app popover in iPad version ...