I am trying to handle an exception using @ExceptionHandler but it is not working and I don't know why. The thing is right now I am getting this response from my web service: {"message":"The date provided 2013-02-30 is invalid","code":500,"ids":null}. And I want that to be ...
When working with Java applications, it is not uncommon to encounter exceptions and errors. One such error is theHandler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErrorerror. This error occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot find a class that is required for the exe...
also working so far but I think its not working always so that the reason why I do ask to know how to do it correctly.So the main basic way I choosed is only using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter API with address to my Handler routine to read exception infos / log them / MessageBox them...
I tried with CompleteAsync and still not working, this is my lambda: app.UseExceptionHandler(errorApp => { errorApp.Run(async context => { var contextFeature = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>(); if (contextFeature?.Error is EntityNotFoundException) { context.Response.StatusCode...
As such, this is not an ideal resolution. So if you don’tcurrentlyhave the most updated Intel driver, update the graphics card driver to the latest one first. If that doesn’t fix the issue, then install Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400. ...
in the application that is not working is in a MDI child form. I have pasted the same code, however, into the Main() of the parent form and triggered an error there, with the same result, the code does not get hit. Are there some VID settings that I am missing that could ...
But this is not working.If I change the implementation above to throw the exception inside the controller method, works perfect. Seems like the Spring Formatter that is called before invoke controller implementation is not beeing monitorized by the@ControllerAdvice. ...
Hello all, I'm trying to implement a retry handler which rejects failed messages which have already been requeued, using the RabbitListenerErrorHandler . @RabbitListener(queues = "abc", errorHandler="rabbitRetryHandler") public byte[] me...
put("message", "App is working fine !!!"); return rtn; } @GetMapping("/information") public Map<String, Object> getInformation() { Map<String, Object> rtn = new HashMap<>(); rtn.put("name", userName); rtn.put("id", userId); return rtn; } @GetMapping("/ping") public Map<...
I have tried using both microsoft's SQL driver and the sourceforge SQL driver, only the sourceforge driver is working. But it will not run the Database evolution script. BUILD.SBT - When I create my d... Universal app popover in iPad version ...