We address the combinatorial optimization problem of finding the most influential nodes on a large-scale social network for two widely-used fundamental stochastic diffusion models. The past study showed that a greedy strategy can give a good approximate solution to the problem. However, a conventional...
Run thedocker swarm leavecommand on a node to remove it from the swarm. For example to leave the swarm on a worker node: $docker swarm leaveNode left the swarm. When a node leaves the swarm, Docker Engine stops running in Swarm mode. The orchestrator no longer schedules tasks to the no...
Computes the average of a sequence of nullableInt32values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Average<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource,Nullable<Int64>>) Computes the average of a sequence of nullableInt64values that are obtained by...
For more information on Spot compute nodes, seeUse Spot VMs with Batch. $NodeDeallocationOptionThe action that occurs when compute nodes are removed from a pool. Possible values are: -requeue: The default value. Ends tasks immediately and puts them back on the job queue so that they're resc...
274 i.e. a Common Table Expression (CTE, or Query Name in SQL99 terms). 275*/ 276class PT_common_table_expr : public Parse_tree_node { 277 typedef Parse_tree_node super; 278 279 public: 280 explicit PT_common_table_expr(const POS &pos, const LEX_STRING &name, 281 const LEX_ST...
node. This will make querying for items in a specific category easier when// the third-level nodes are created.TreeNode newNode =newTreeNode(); newNode.Text = row["CategoryName"].ToString(); newNode.Value = row["CategoryID"].ToString();// Set the PopulateOnDemand property to true so...
. Basically, when specifying a node type, you have to explicitly usenode=; you cannot rely on the implicit behavior as documented. For example, you would need to change this: parse : exp EOF -> ^(ROOT<RootNode> exp) ; ...to this: ...
Save node, add an inject node on the front and link them together and deploy. Now you should be able to click on the inject node and fire a signal to your device! Start adding extra nodes to fire out the functions you need or inject messages to the node to drive it. ...
Node Restart: Requires a rolling restart of the cluster. (NDB 8.4.0) Specifying this parameter defines the hostname of the computer on which the data node is to reside. Use HostName to specify a host name other than localhost. ServerPort Version (or later) NDB 8.4.0 Type or units...
This topic describes how to install AWS Systems Manager SSM Agent on non EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) Linux machines in a hybrid and multicloud environment. If you plan to use Windows Server machines in a hybrid and multicloud environment, see the next step, Install SSM Agent on hybrid...