Type:Array<String> Default:[] An array of paths thatLibSasscan look in to attempt to resolve your@importdeclarations. When usingdata, it is recommended that you use this. indentedSyntax Type:Boolean Default:false truevalues enableSass Indented Syntaxfor parsing the data string or file. ...
fetchAsString Array 指定结果集中的数据类型以 String 显示,取值范围:dmdb.BUFFER、dmdb.CLOB、dmdb.DATE、dmdb.NUMBER outFormat Number 查询结果的格式,取值为 dmdb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY 或 dmdb.OUT_FORMAT_OBJECT,表示格式化成数组还是 json 对象,缺省为 dmdb.OUT_FORMAT_ARRAY poolMax Number 最大连接数,缺省为 ...
Type: Array of strings Required: No tags Metadata that assists with categorization and organization. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You define both. Tags don't propagate to any other cluster or AWS resources. Type: String to string map ...
signal{String} 发送信号给子进程。如果没有参数,会发送'SIGTERM',参见signal(7)里的可用的信号列表。 代码语言:txt 复制 var spawn = require('child_process').spawn, grep = spawn('grep', ['ssh']); grep.on('close', function (code, signal) { console.log('child process terminated due to rece...
string写入 Buffer写入 Stream管道 Object||ArrayJSON-字符串化 null无内容响应 如果response.status未被设置, Koa 将会自动设置状态为200或204。 Koa 没有防范作为响应体的所有内容 - 函数没有有意义地序列化,返回布尔值可能会根据您的应用程序而有意义。并且当错误生效时,它可能无法正常工作 错误的属性无法枚举。
I see that undici is mostly using Buffer.from(name).toString('utf8'). This crosses the JS-C++ boundary 2 times. 1 for initializing, and 1 for toString. I recommend implementing a function like this: Buffer.asString(name, encoding) which ...
This is turned off by default for performance reasons, but is safe to enable. Note that in the default configuration, without setting runScripts, the values of window.Array, window.eval, etc. will be the same as those provided by the outer Node.js environment. That is, window.eval ===...
); // split string chunks let hex = hexStrings.map(x => parseInt(x, 16)); // convert string chunks to hexadecimal let buffer = Buffer.from(hex); // create buffer from hexadecimal array let string = buffer.toString('utf16le'); ...
上一节讲解了迭代器的使用,如果对迭代器还不够了解的可以在回顾下《从理解到实现轻松掌握 ES6 中的迭代器》,目前在 JavaScript 中还没有被默认设定[Symbol.asyncIterator]属性的内建对象,但是在 Node.js 中已有部分核心模块(Stream、Events)和一些第三方 NPM 模块(mongodb)已支持 Symbol.asyncIterator 属性。本文...