打开浏览器访问localhost:1880,点击右上方,在节点管理>>控制板>>安装中即可下载以下组件: node-red-dashboard,用于部署后形成控制面板(访问localhost:1880/ui); node-red-node-serialport,添加串口组件。 实验 1. 串口显数 收集Zigbee和WiFi网关数据。 左为Zigbee网关接入串口,右为WiFi网关接入串口。 流程并部署 面...
也可能是你串口调试助手自带的回车 [{"id":"bbee4ee807b002da","type":"ui_button","z":"fcb7bd6297ebcf4e","name":"","group":"d7831b49353f3e4a","order":40,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":false,"label":"请扫描","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","className":"","ic...
{"id":"3f79c420.cfc1bc","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}, {"id":"a0954be5.a7f7e8","type":"ui_group","name":"MyInput","tab":"3f79c420.cfc1bc","order":2,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false}, {"id":...
All done.You can now start Node-REDwiththe command node-red-start or using the icon under Menu/Programming/Node-REDThen point your browser to localhost:1880or http://{your_pi_ip-address}:1880 根据提示我么可以知道,通过如下的命令启用NODE-RED服务,并且访问树莓派地址并加上1880端口访问WEB下的NOD...
<ui-icon icon="camera"></ui-icon> Take a photo </md-button> This JavaScript code automatically updates the Node-RED page when a new photo is taken. Camerapi Takephoto node Finally, edit thecamerapi takephotonode with the following properties: Note 1:don’t forget to add...
Drag any dashboard node (in my case, a button node) into the flow and double-click on the node. A window where you can edit the node will appear. Where it saysGroup, click on the pencil icon next to it to add a new group. The window in the picture above will appear. Give the...
3 - pallet icon 4 - pallet label (the user can change it later, but the default name is here) 5 - the list of fields your server part will receive inmsg.payloads. If in the point 7 we’ll have<input type="text" id="node-input-name"node red will render the field value on the...
Most ui widgets can also be configured by using amsg.ui_controlmessage - seeconfig-fields.mdfor futher details. Audio out- a widget that will let you play audio (wav or mp3) or send Text to Speech (TTS) to the client. Button- the icon can be set using either Material or fa-icons ...
You may also create your own set of icons usingIcofont. Once downloaded you can serve them locally via Node-RED and add them to the head of the dashboard page by using a ui_template node : e.g. then you can use then as per above by adding the icofont- prefix...
titleIcon: "fa fa-map-o", title: { "en-US": "Welcome to Node-RED 4.0!", "en-US": "Welcome to FREE 4.0!", "ja": "Node-RED 4.0 へようこそ!", "fr": "Bienvenue dans Node-RED 4.0!" }, 4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion 4 packages/node_modules/node-red/settings.js ...