{"id":"3f79c420.cfc1bc","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}, {"id":"a0954be5.a7f7e8","type":"ui_group","name":"MyInput","tab":"3f79c420.cfc1bc","order":2,
"icon": "", "payload": "auto", "payloadType": "str", "topic": "topic", "topicType": "msg", "x": 670, "y": 1080, "wires": [ [ "38dfcf65ab8c0b8a" ] ] }, { "id": "c0ded006b33858c9", "type": "ui_button", "z": "47ba3e0620759d93", "name": "", "group"...
Changed Node KNX Icon, logo and colors, thanks @svenflender New in config-node: copy/paste friendly text block, with a list of all KNX Nodes (for using, for example, in KNX Router line/zone filters). New: added subtype decoded value payloadsubtypevalue ( for exampe, On/Off, Ramp/No...
"cts": "none", "dsr": "none", "newline": "10", "bin": "bin", "out": "count", "addchar": "", "responsetimeout": "10000" }, { "id": "9426268fa5f427a2", "type": "ui_tab", "name": "数据采集系统", "icon": "dashboard", "disabled": false, "hidden": false } ...
This post is an introduction to Node-RED dashboard with Raspberry Pi. We’ll cover how to install Node-RED dashboard and exemplify how to build a GUI.
or using the icon under Menu/Programming/Node-REDThen point your browser to localhost:1880or http://{your_pi_ip-address}:1880 根据提示我么可以知道,通过如下的命令启用NODE-RED服务,并且访问树莓派地址并加上1880端口访问WEB下的NODE-RED: 代码语言:javascript ...
You should notice the icon in the flow tab that indicates that theflow is disabled. You can also change the order of the flows in the workspace by clicking on the flow tab and dragging it left or right. In node-red version 2.1 the ability tohide flowswas also added which is useful if...
<ui-icon icon="camera"></ui-icon> Take a photo </md-button> This JavaScript code automatically updates the Node-RED page when a new photo is taken. Camerapi Takephoto node Finally, edit thecamerapi takephotonode with the following properties: Note 1:don’t forget to add...