Performance Music Streamer There's nothing like a BLUESOUND NODE, the original hi-res multiroom wireless streamer. BETTER DOWN TO EVERY SONIC DETAIL The NODE delivers precision-engineered sound with its improved ESS SABRE® DAC (ES9039Q2M) and audiophile-grade circuitry, designed to reduce ...
Wireless Multi-Room Hi-Res Music Streamer Free shipping. 30 day risk-free trial. Customer support. Find a Dealer The Bluesound NODE unlocks the world of hi-res music streaming and multi-room audio to create a modern addition to existing HiFi systems or your favorite set of powered speakers...
Performance Music Streamer Free shipping. 30 day risk-free trial. Customer support. Simply put, there is nothing like the NODE. With re-engineered components and circuitry for even better performance, the original wireless hi-res music streamer now features built-in THX AAA™ headphone technology...
the NODE X or play from a personal digital music library held on a computer or external drive through the intuitive BluOS app for iOS, Android, or Mac or PC computers. The award-winning BluOS platform is the only platform that can support up to 64 players, all streaming up to 24-bit/1...
- streamervolume: /var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - streamernetwork streamer_api: build: context: . dockerfile: args: API_PORT: ${API_PORT} restart: on-failure depends_on: - pg volumes: - ./:/src ports: - "${API_PORT}:${API_PORT}" ...
步骤1:安装Node.js和FFmpeg或GStreamer 首先,确保你的计算机上已经安装了Node.js和FFmpeg或GStreamer。在安装Node.js之前,你还需要安装Node包管理器(npm)。通过在终端命令行中输入以下命令即可检查这些软件是否已经安装: $ node -v $ npm -v $ ffmpeg -version (或 $ gst-launch-1.0 –version) ...
The zed_wrapper package contains the standalone ZED Wrapper node that can be started as is using the provided launch files, as described in the ZED Wrapper …
Mjpg-Streamer+Node.js实现在树莓派上的监控与拍照 最近在做一个机器人项目,需要将试试捕获安装于机器人身上的视频图像,并能够对机器人进行无线运动控制。作为前端工程师的我,很自然的想到了使用Node作为服务器和机器人的控制中心,通过前端页面实现对机器人控制和视频图像的捕捉。
我正在尝试使用NodeJS将RTP数据包从Raspberry Pi中继到我的Macbook Air。udpsink host= port=3333var udp5000,'', function(){ }); 下面是我在mac上运行的gstreamer命令,用于接收端口5000上的RTP数据报流:osxvid 浏览4提问于2017-10-06得票数5 ...
For those looking to add a little oomph to their old stereo rigs without having to get rid of otherwise perfectly good gear,Bluesoundcreated its latest streamer, the Node X, to mark 10 years of its multiroom high resolution audio streaming platform. The little box packs a punch, with an ...