完整的名字叫做node-red-dashboard 搜索出来后,点击安装即可, 安装需要一点时间,稍等一会。安装完成后,刷新一下页面.就可以在节点列表的左侧看到相应的节点 一共有16个节点,分别是 button 按钮节点 dropdown 下拉选择节点 switch 开关节点 slider 轮播图 numeric 数字滑块 text input 文本输入 date picker 日期选择 ...
Dashboard的控件一般都可以设置Label或名字,Label和名字也可以通过传入消息的属性来指定或修改。其实控件的内容都可以用消息来配置,这属于比较高阶的用法,感兴趣的可以参考https://github.com/node-red/node-red-dashboard/blob/master/config-fields.md Dashboard带有的控件简介见下表。 名称 中文名 详细信息 button...
You may also create your own set of icons usingIcofont. Once downloaded you can serve them locally via Node-RED and add them to the head of the dashboard page by using a ui_template node : e.g. then you can use then as per above by adding the icofont...
npm i node-red/node-red-dashboard Settings The default url for the dashboard is based off your existing Node-RED httpRoot path with /ui added. This can be changed in your Node-RED settings.js file -ui: { path: "ui" }, You can also add your own express middleware to handle request...
搜索dashboard 节点库 完整的名字叫做node-red-dashboard搜索出来后,点击安装即可, 安装需要一点时间,稍等一会。安装完成后,刷新一下页面.就可以在节点列表的左侧看到相应的节点 一共有16个节点,分别是 button 按钮节点 dropdown 下拉选择节点 switch 开关节点 ...
Icons Lite、Material Design Iconfont,为用户提供丰富的图标选择。安装后,只需配置UI组件到流中,即便不涉及数据流转,UI组件也能够显示在页面上。调整组宽度以适应不同需求,最终效果会更加美观。Dashboard的使用极大地丰富了Node-RED的交互性和可视化能力,为智能家居自动化平台增添了更多可能性。
Your real-time SCADA dashboard is now live, displaying data flowing from your PLC via Modbus and MQTT, orchestrated by Node-RED. Ubidots’ SCADA widget comes with a rich library of standard icons commonly used in industrial settings. Plus, you can create custom icons to tailor your visualizat...
–Node red is a Open Source flow based tool and IOT platform and Dashboard developed by IBM and written in Node.js. Node-red lets you easily build applications by joining together black box functions (nodes) using a web interface, and it requires very little, if any, programming knowledge...
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Bobo-amg/node-red-dashboardPublic forked fromFlowFuse/node-red-dashboard NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Files main ...