调用JShaman接口,传入js代码、配置即可,非常简单。 上面的代码中,javascript_code变量是要保护的JS代码,options 变量是参数,参数中各项目的含义,可以参考JShaman官网的说明,值设为1表示启用、设为0表示不启用,secret_key是接口密钥,设为free是免费使用,商业的密钥可以从JShaman官网获得。 加密效果 上面例程中的JS代码...
Node.js代码加密主要是为了保护源代码不被轻易查看和修改,以下是一些常见的代码加密方式及其相关信息: **一、基础概念** 1. **混淆(Obfuscation)** - 概念:将代码...
上面的代码中,javascript_code变量是要保护的JS代码,options 变量是参数,参数中各项目的含义,可以参考JShaman官网的说明,值设为1表示启用、设为0表示不启用,secret_key是接口密钥,设为free是免费使用,商业的密钥可以从JShaman官网获得。 加密效果 上面例程中的JS代码,保护后生成的加密JS代码如下所示。 //Obfuscted ...
Obfuscated files will saved into the input directory under INPUT_FILE_NAME-obfuscated.js name.Conditional commentsYou can disable and enable obfuscation for specific parts of the code by adding following comments:disable: // javascript-obfuscator:disable or /* javascript-obfuscator:disable */; enable...
上面的代码中,javascript_code变量是要保护的JS代码,options 变量是参数,参数中各项目的含义,可以参考JShaman官网的说明,值设为1表示启用、设为0表示不启用,secret_key是接口密钥,设为free是免费使用,商业的密钥可以从JShaman官网获得。 加密效果 上面例程中的JS代码,保护后生成的加密JS代码如下所示。
Obfuscated files will saved into the input directory under INPUT_FILE_NAME-obfuscated.js name.Conditional commentsYou can disable and enable obfuscation for specific parts of the code by adding following comments:disable: // javascript-obfuscator:disable or /* javascript-obfuscator:disable */; enable...
var obfuscated_result = jshaman_javascript_obfuscator(javascript_code, options, secret_key); //Obfuscation result, //if "state" is 0 it means successful and the "content" is the obfuscated JavaScript code. //Otherwise,if there is an error,the "message" will contain an error prompt message....
你可以创建一个新的JavaScript文件,比如obfuscate.js,并添加以下内容: javascript const JavaScriptObfuscator = require('javascript-obfuscator'); const code = ` console.log("以下是原始代码:"); var a = 1; var b = 1; var c = a + b; console.log("1 + 1 = " + c); `; const obfuscationRe...
To disable native code when including forge in the browser:// run this *after* including the forge script forge.options.usePureJavaScript = true;To disable native code when using Node.js:var forge = require('node-forge'); forge.options.usePureJavaScript = true;...
The idea is that you usekarma.conf.jswhile developing (using watch/livereload etc.), andkarma.conf.ci.jswhen building - for example, when building, it should only run karma once, it should generate xml reports, it should run only in PhantomJS, and/or it should generate code coverage re...