javaScript 源代码的混淆包括哪些 js源代码混淆包括什么 js的不可读化处理分为三个方面:压缩(compression)、混淆(obfuscation)和加密(encryption)。 (不可读化处理,这是我自己发明的术语,一切会增加代码不可读性的代码转换, 都可以这么叫,“增加代码不可读性”可能是代码转换的结果或者目的). 1. 压缩 这一操作的目...
obfuscation is incredibly important to me. I looked high and low at every obfuscator you could imagine. I researched everything, from the free ones to really expensive ones and none of them quite fit the bill. Jasob was so impressive that I was rather shocked that the price was so ...
var JavaScriptObfuscator = require('javascript-obfuscator'); var obfuscationResult = JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate( `(function(){ var variable1 = '5' - 3; var variable2 = '5' + 3; // 更多代码... })();`, {compact: false, controlFlowFlattening: true, controlFlowFlatteningThreshold: 1, ...
console.log(it.fileName) constobfuscationResult =JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(it.content, {/** 这些都是配置 */compact:false,controlFlowFlattening:true,controlFlowFlatteningThreshold:1,numbersToExpressions:true,simplify:true,stringArrayShuffle:true,splitStrings:true,stringArrayThreshold:1}) fs.writeFile(b...
JavaScript 混淆(Obfuscation)是指通过一系列技术手段,使 JS 代码变得难以理解和分析,增加代码的复杂性和混淆度,阻碍逆向工程和代码盗用。实际上就是一种保护 JS 代码的手段。 那为什么我们需要保护 JS 代码呢 ️ JS 最早被设计出来就是为了在客户端运行,直接以源码的形式传递给客户端,如果不做处理则完全公开透明...
We had to add '-s none -n none' to commandlines to disable default obfuscation engines for string and numeric constants. The following commands were invoked to produce it (on windows): del shortest-state shortest-counts rem protect server-side scripts first js-obfus -s none -n none -...
121 console.log(obfuscationResult.getObfuscatedCode()); 122 /* 123 var _0x1139 = [ 124 '250745hAZAIu', 125 'qyvdX', 126 '359787rBCuAH', 127 'map', 128 'CAsQH', 129 '2yDlJiW', 130 'IzZqs', 131 '3|8|4|5|0|', ...
3 import { TObfuscationResultsObject } from './src/types/TObfuscationResultsObject'; 4 import { TOptionsPreset } from './src/types/options/TOptionsPreset'; 5 6 import { IObfuscationResult } from './src/interfaces/source-code/IObfuscationResult'; 7 8 export type ObfuscatorOptions =...
The obfuscation in JavaScript is a technique of encoding the JavaScript code into an unreadable format. It makes the code hard to understand and reverse engineer. As we know, the JavaScript code is fetched from the server and rendered on the client-side by the browser. Therefore, this can be...