images scripts src test webpack .eslintignore .eslintrc.js .gitignore .ncurc .npmignore .npmrc .travis.yml LICENSE.BSD index.cli.ts index.d.ts index.ts package.json tsconfig.json yarn.lock ...
varJavaScriptObfuscator=require('javascript-obfuscator');varobfuscationResult=JavaScriptObfuscator.obfuscate(`(function(){var variable1 = '5' - 3;var variable2 = '5' + 3;var variable3 = '5' + - '2';var variable4 = ['10','10','10','10','10'].map(parseInt);var variable5 = 'foo...
Prevents obfuscation of require imports. Could be helpful in some cases when for some reason runtime environment requires these imports with static strings only.inputFileNameType: string Default: ''Allows to set name of the input file with source code. This name will be used internally for ...
Returns ObfuscationResult object which contains two public methods:getObfuscatedCode() - returns string with obfuscated code; getSourceMap() - if sourceMap option is enabled - returns string with source map or an empty string if sourceMapMode option is set as inline; getIdentifierNamesCache() - ...
ReturnsObfuscationResultobject which contains two public methods: getObfuscatedCode()- returnsstringwith obfuscated code; getSourceMap()- ifsourceMapoption is enabled - returnsstringwith source map or an empty string ifsourceMapModeoption is set asinline; ...
How javascript obfuscation is handled by ASP.NET? How make div stretch it's height according to another div at it's right side? How pass array in in Javascript How set value to dropdownlist with JavaScript How to call c# method from a JavaScript function on a Razor page ?
In the development stage, our core goal is to improve the construction speed as much as possible and ensure the efficiency of development while maintaining all the functions of the project. Therefore, some functions that Live only need, such as code obfuscation compression, image compression and ...
3年前 dist fix(email): now email address obfuscation always returns the same output 3年前 docs fix: resolve broken link to installation guide 3年前 src fix(makemarkdown.image): fix bug width|height = auto 3年前 test Merge branch 'develop' into feat/910-auto-linking-ment...
22 * `ObfuscationResult` object now contains `getOptions` method to get options that were used during obfuscation 23 24 v2.14.0 25 --- 26 * Added `identifierNamesCache` option for reading and writing identifier names cache. See ``. 27 * **CLI**: Added `--identifier-...
How javascript obfuscation is handled by ASP.NET? How make div stretch it's height according to another div at it's right side? How pass array in in Javascript How set value to dropdownlist with JavaScript How to call c# method from a JavaScript function on a Razor page ?