Nocturnal Images of the Earth from Space (Publi- cation No. PB-273 661, prepared for the Topographic Division of the U.S. Geological Survey), Stanford Research Institute, Stan- ford, California, 113 p. , 1978. Nighttime Images of the Earth from Space, Scientific American, 239(July):86-...
Photos: Nocturnal Gundam 12 Jun 2009 After sunset, Tokyo Gundam comes to life. [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] 180 Comments Art Attraction Gundam Robot Tokyo Statcounter
For each position estimate, information on the timing of day, night, and twilight (i.e., sunset and sunrise) were extracted using the “classify_DayTime” function from the R-package RchivalTag32. We subdivided the daily activity into four time groups: day (from sunrise to sunset), ...
Across the Earth’s surface, where does natural environmental and ecological day and night remain? When during the diel cycle do anthropogenic pressures act individually, additively, or synergistically on species communities and how does this determine the impact on overall ecosystem functioning and the...
Shorter distances overlap areas with high concentration of ALAN, mainly in North America and eastern Asia. ALAN corresponds to the “vcm-orm-ntl” product (cloud and ephemeral lights free, background set to zero) from the 2015 VIIRS nighttime lights annual composite produced by the Earth ...
All 81 References in Fall Out Boy’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” Explained Russian Revolution Timeline 12 Greek Gods and Goddesses 10 Women Who Advanced Our Understanding of Life on Earth Why Is theMona LisaSo Famous? Orientation
we selected the average of the pixels of these 21 stations to represent the urban surface temperature (𝑇𝑈𝑆TSU), which is the temperature of the air near the surface of the earth. For the estimation ofCUHII, we selected the average temperature of these 21 stations to represent the ...
Because of their influences on the Earth’s radiation budget and hydrological cycle, the need to monitor cloud properties from satellites has long been recognized in the study of climate (e.g., [1–5]). With the widespread availability of well-calibrated polar and geostationary orbiting satellite...
Visualizing the Interactivity in Culture Portal Community 23 七月, 2007/1 則留言
Ultimately, these fascinating images of the night-traveler will allow us to develop new theories of restlessness, wandering, and dromological power tied to a philosophy of the after-dark.Mohaghegh, Jason BahbakBabson CollegePalgrave Macmillan, Cham...