Due to these constraints, the use of alternative instruments to estimate the short-term economic impacts of COVID-19 in a country like India is worth exploring. This study uses nighttime images of lights on the surface of Earth, i.e., nightlight (NTL), taken by satellites to estimate the...
获得多项国内外重要奖励,包括李小文遥感科学青年奖,美国摄影测量与遥感协会(ASPRS)Robert N. Colwell Memorial Fellowship 奖,香港理工大学院长奖。 讲座内容:Satellites provide continuous observations on the Earth from space during both d...
An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took this mesmerizing nighttime photograph of the coastal Mediterranean city of Antalya, Türkiye. Nighttime photographs taken by astronauts are a source of high-resolution and freely available imagery of Earth at night, and the images are often used...
Coloring Panchromatic Nighttime Satellite Images: Comparing the Performance of Several Machine Learning Methods Artificial light-at-night (ALAN), emitted from the ground and visible from space, marks human presence on earth. Since the launch of the Suomi National Pol... N Rybnikova,BA Portnov,EM...
Given the thermal infrared radiation transmission process and the fact that daytime and nighttime have the same source of radiance in TIR, we propose a sample generation idea that uses daytime images to provide samples of nighttime cloud detection, which is different from the traditional sample ...
During geomagnetic storms, large amounts of energy and momentum from the solar wind and magnetosphere are deposited into the Earth's upper atmosphere and ionosphere, via increased particle precipitation and Joule heating. The enhanced electric fields at high latitudes under southward Interplanetary Magneti...
The yearly composite of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light of 2020 was applicated to characterize the urban forms in social space (https://eogdata.mines.edu/nighttime_light/annual/v20/). Administrative boundaries data was used to clip the images and extract the selected study area of the 30 megacities...
Guo Huadong, head of the CBAS, said the atlas is an important achievement in the field of Earth surface environmental elements detection under low-light conditions. The data can fully reflect the pattern of urban human settlement and economic development, and provide data support f...
The nighttime environment is being altered rapidly over large areas worldwide through introduction of artificial lighting, from streetlights and other sources. This is predicted to impact the visual ecology of many organisms, affecting both their intra- and interspecific interactions. Here, we show the...
Data from the Venus orbiter Akatsuki showing the thermal signatures of clouds on the nightside of the planet for the first time. Credit: © 2021 Imamura et al. “Small-scale cloud patterns in the direct images are faint and frequently indistinguishable from background noise,” said Professor ...