Cite this article: Liang, J. J., Z. L. Yang, and P. R. Lin, 2019: Systematic hydrological evaluation of the Noah-MP land surfacemodel over china. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36(11),
Land surface modelPlant hydraulicswater and carbon cyclesPlants are expected to face increasing water stress under future climate change. Most land surface models, including Noah-MP, employ an idealized "big-leaf" concept to regulate water and carbon fluxes in response to soil moisture stress ...
The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) performed extensive testing and evaluation with the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamic core for two physics suite configurations with a goal of assessing the impact that the Noah land surface model (LSM) with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) had on ...
Land surface model 1. Introduction Dynamic terrain characterization (DTC) is a holistic characterization of the weather impacted terrain state that includes time-varying conditions such as soil moisture and snow cover. When combined with static terrain features such as elevation, slope, aspect, and so...
Noah-MP® Community Model Repository Noah-MP® is a widely-used state-of-the-art land surface model used in many research and operational weather/climate models (e.g., HRLDAS, WRF, MPAS, WRF-Hydro/NWM, NOAA/UFS, NASA/LIS, etc.). This is the official Noah-MP land surface model ...
Soil temperature profileEnergy fluxSoil thermal propertySoil hydraulic propertyInclusion of the thermal and hydraulic effect of soil organic matter plays an important role in land-surface models (LSMs) for simulating soil temperature and surface energy exchanges. The current officially released Noah with ...
Assessment of surface exchange coefficients in the Noah-MP land surface model for different land-cover types in China. Int J Climatol. 2021; 1–22.附件下载:要找考研考博专业课真题、题库、视频?这里资源超全!在线免费阅读!2万种考研考博电子书(题库、视频、全套...
Evaluation of the WRF‐Urban Modeling System Coupled to Noah and Noah‐MP Land Surface Models Over a Semiarid Urban EnvironmentEvaluation of the WRF‐Urban Modeling System Coupled to Noah and Noah‐MP Land Surface Models Over a Semiarid Urban Environmenturban canopy modelsland...
The Noah-MP (Noah land surface model with Multi-Parameterizations) provides numerous complex parameterization schemes for land surface physical processes. However, a Noah-MP LSM (Land Surface Mode) simulation is often limited by a large calculational req
land surface modelHaihe River Basinsoil temperaturesoil moisturesurface energy fluxseasonal cycleThe land surface processes of the Noah-MP and Noah models are evaluated over four typical landscapes in the Haihe River Basin(HRB) using in-situ observations. The simulated soil temperature and moisture in...