Noah‐MPCrop growth simulationGDDAgroclimatologyLand‐Atmospheric modelingCroplands are important in land‐atmosphere interactions and in the modification of local and regional weather and climate; however, they are poorly represented in the current version of the coupled Weather......
Noah-MP-Crop模式参数化方案 我国是农业大国,农作物主要包括玉米、小麦和水稻,其中玉米的种植面积相对最少,由于玉米的区域、品种和播种期不同,其生长情况存在较大差异.叶面积指数(Leaf Area Index,LAI)是计算作物蒸散和干物质积累最重要的生理参数,可以更加直观的看出植物的生长状况与卫星观测数据之间的关系.因此在...
Despite the widespread use of the latest community Noah with multiparameterization (Noah‐MP) land surface model, it has not been rigorously evaluated over the complex Tibetan Plateau. This study assessed uncertainties in Noah‐MP simulations of a cropland site using observations from the 2008 Joint...
The Noah-MP (Noah land surface model with Multi-Parameterizations) provides numerous complex parameterization schemes for land surface physical processes. However, a Noah-MP LSM (Land Surface Mode) simulation is often limited by a large calculational req
crop production. Before they can be implemented in climate adaption studies and decision-support systems, weather variables must be reliable and accurate. This study evaluated weather variables generated from computer simulations using two land surface models, (LSMs) coupled to a regional climate model...
Key Points: The Multipass Land Data Assimilation Scheme (MLDAS) is proposed based on the Noah‐MP‐Crop modelLeaf area index (LAI), soil moisture (SM), and solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measurements are assimilated into the MLDAS to predict sensible heat flux (H), latent ...
Based on a comprehensive five-year dataset on energy- and water fluxes, and soil water and crop data from two different climate regions of southwest Germany, we adapted the crop growth model Gecros, integrated it with Noah-MP, calibrated the coupled model for winter wheat and maize and ...
Based on a comprehensive five-year dataset on energy- and water fluxes, and soil water and crop data from two different climate regions of southwest Germany, we adapted the crop growth model Gecros, integrated it with Noah-MP, calibrated the coupled model for winter wheat and maize and ...
Crop modelLand-atmosphere interactionsLAI Leaf Area IndexET EvapotranspirationGDDs Growing Degree DaysWRF Weather Research and Forecasting modelWRF-Crop WRF simulations using Noah-MP with dynamic crop growthWRF-DV WRF simulations using Noah-MP without dynamic crop growth but with dynamic vegetation...