简介 全球月度气象数据集(GLDAS Noah Land Surface Model L4 monthly 0.25 x 0.25 degree V2.1,简称GLDAS_NOAH025_M 2.1),时空分辨率分别为1个月、0.25度。该数据产品于2020年1月重新处理得到,代替之前版本。…
The current operational Noah land surface model (LSM) uses multi-year climatology of monthly green vegetation fraction (GVF) and the multi-year averages of land surface albedo data for several numerical weather predictions at National Centers for Environmental Predictions of National Oceanic and ...
Performance of Noah land surface model over the tropical semi-arid conditions in western India. Atmos. Res. 99 (1), 85-96.Patil, M.N.; Waghmare, R.T.; Halder, S.; Dharmaraj, T. Performance of Noah land surface model over the tropical semi-arid conditions in western India. Atmos. ...
Cite this article: Liang, J. J., Z. L. Yang, and P. R. Lin, 2019: Systematic hydrological evaluation of the Noah-MP land surfacemodel over china. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36(11),https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-0...
The Noah land surface model typically under-predicts the snowpack in mountainous regions. Sensitivity simulations are conducted to test the effects of several parameter and physics changes on the modeled snow water equivalent (SWE) in the Rocky Mountains. The control simulation is the standard Noah ...
全球3小时气象数据集(GLDAS Noah Land Surface Model L4 3 hourly 0.25 x 0.25 degree V2.1,简称GLDAS_NOAH025_3H 2.1),时空分辨率分别为3小时、0.25度。该数据产品于2020年1月重新处理,代替之前版本。前言 – 人工智能教程 该数据...
[1] Simulated snowpack by the Noah land surface model (LSM) shows an early depletion due to excessive sublimation and too early onset of snowmelt. To mitigate these deficiencies, five model modifications are tested to improve snowpack performance: (1) time-varying snow albedo, (2) solar radiat...
The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) performed extensive testing and evaluation with the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamic core for two physics suite configurations with a goal of assessing the impact that the Noah land surface model (LSM) with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) had on ...
including 1) a simple bucket model, 2) the OSU LSM (known as the Coupled Atmospheric boundary layer - Plant – Soil, CAPS, model land-surface scheme in some PILPS studies), 3) the SSiB model, and 4) the Simple Water Balance model (SWB) of OH. The results of this ...
Land surface model 1. Introduction Dynamic terrain characterization (DTC) is a holistic characterization of the weather impacted terrain state that includes time-varying conditions such as soil moisture and snow cover. When combined with static terrain features such as elevation, slope, aspect, and so...