总之,NO2与水反应的方程式为3NO2 + H2O → 2HNO3 + NO,这是一个重要的化学反应,在自然界和工业生产中都有重要意义。
Contrary to previous assumptions, when H atoms are initially in excess over NO2, the reactions2OH→H2O+O,O+OH→O2+H,OH+CO→CO2+H,do not account completely for the decay of OH. An additional reaction occurs which produces water and is probably ...
(3)对于反应2N2O5(g)4NO2(g)+O2(g),R.A.Ogg提出如下反应历程:第一步 N2O5NO2+NO3 快速平衡第二步 NO2+NO3NO+NO2+O2 慢反应第三步 NO+NO32NO2 快反应其中可近似认为第二步反应不影响第一步的平衡。下列表述正确的是_(填标号)。Av(第一步的逆反应)v(第二步反应)B反应的中间产物只有NO3C第二...
NO2 can lead to acidification of the aquatic ecosystem following the oxidation to HNO3. The Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique [2] has been used for NO2 atmospheric measurements since the early 1970s [3,4]. Nowadays, besides ground-based zenith sky measurements, DOAS ...