Looks like the log_reuse_wait_desc is just stalled at ACTIVE_TRANSACTION even if there isn't an active transaction, although with the checkpoint command, shrinks can happen. Not sure if this is a "fix" or not. It is a fix to allow the database to be shrunk but I'm not sure about...
"No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data type attribute violation" error and SQLS 2017, ODBC Drivers 11 & 13 for SQL Server "SELECT * INTO table FROM" a stored procedure? Possible? "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT..." ...
currently active at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.createFault(AbstractInvoker.java:162) at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.invoke(AbstractInvoker.java:128) . . . Caused by: javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: Explicitly joining a JTA transaction requires a JTA ...
Problem When performing migrations, the process ends with "There is no active transaction" thrown in Connection.php on line 1761. The migrations themselves are performed successfully: the database schema appears to be altered as expected...
This exception is seen when events are sent through multiple connections, with Common Event Infrastructure service configured to always send the events in a new transaction. Download Description PK77243 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: When running in a cluster environment, we see...
The following exception has been encountered: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: cannot rollback - no transaction is active (code 1) at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecute(Native Method) at android.database.sqlit...
I have a donor register with names, dates, amounts. I currently am summarizing this information on a pivot table.However, is there a way to find the average days elapsed between each giving transaction? It would need to be specific per donor. ...
When you are done, press the “Deposit to Account” button to begin the deposit transaction. Once the transaction is complete, your account will be credited with the deposit. If you claimed a bonus, it will also be credited to your account. Deposit – Authorizaton Agreement If you are ...
When you press “Finish”, you will be begin the deposit transaction. Once the transaction is successfully transfered, your account will be credited with your real money deposit and also any bonus you may have claimed. Bitcoin Deposit For cryptocurrency deposits, currently Black Lotus only accepts...