no transaction is active on this connection 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你遇到的错误信息 "no transaction is active on this connection",这通常意味着你尝试在一个没有开启事务的数据库连接上执行需要事务支持的操作。下面我将根据提供的提示,逐一分析并给出可能的解决方案: 确认错误信息的来源和上下文: 首先,确认...
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. D commit; Error: TransactionContext Error: cannot commit - no transaction is active This behavior is not correct according to the JDBC specification. JDBC does not have a Connection.transactionBegin() method. Executing a SQL statement ...
"No transaction is active." error when trying to send a transactional SQL statment over MSDTC "Restricted data type attribute violation" error and SQLS 2017, ODBC Drivers 11 & 13 for SQL Server "SELECT * INTO table FROM" a stored procedure? Possible? "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT..." ...
Turns, out the problem was with the Distributed Transactions Cooridnators on the two servers. Both servers came from the same VM template. The solution was posted in Kevin Feasel's blog: "What happened in our ...
But the problem is that when I add a SQL command in MCL to my application and put the SQL there (tested in MySQL that it returns correct data) and run the software in simulator, it always fails. In MCL log, it just says "No transaction is active." I have logging enabled in MCL,...
I found similar issues searching the Internet (also this forum) but unfortunately was not able to fix it in my code. One of the idea is to add entityManager.flush() after calling the persist() method but then I am getting an Exception javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no ...
This is related to yiisoft/yii2#18406 As of PHP 8, PDO::commit() and rollBack() will throw a There is no active transaction PDOException if the transaction had been autocommitted, as MySQL will do whenever a schema change is made. Previo...
The XATMUSER_MTAG_E_ENLISTMENTNOMEMORY message indicates that the enlistment has failed because the Transaction Manager
private void checkNoStatusOnThread() { try { TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus(); fail("Spring transaction info is present outside of transaction boundaries"); } catch (NoTransactionException e) { // expected } } Example #6Source File: From redisson with Apac...
[ajp-apr-] 2016-09-16 14:14:07,351 EDT ... org.springframework.transaction.IllegalTransactionStateException: Pre-bound JDBC Connection found! JpaTransactionManager does not support running within DataSourceTransactionManager if told to manage the DataSource itself. It is re...