No-till corn production as affected by mulch, potassium placement, and soil exchangeable potassium - Yibirin, Johnson, et al. - 1993 () Citation Context ... influences of K fertilizer placement on K nutrition and yield of no-till soybeans.[12–15] Long-term no-till management has also ...
Economics of winter cover crops as a source of nitrogen for no-till corn 1. The influence of oxygen on the direction of movement (aerotaxis) by the freshwater oligochaete, Tubifex sp., was investigated by monitoring the behaviour of adult animals in different oxygen gradients. 2. The results...
On noncrusting, poorly drained soils, yield differences between corn (Zea mays L.) grown following corn and following soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] can be much greater when no-till rather than moldboard plowing practices are used, We conducted this experiment to determine whether differences...
This study comparing corn yields from different rates of applied N under no-tillage and conventional culture was prompted by numerous field observations in Maryland that no-till corn, with low to moderate rates of N, often showed more pronounced N deficiency symptoms than did conventionally tilled ...
Field studies were conducted from 1997 to 1999 in Westminster, MD, to evaluate a variety of preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicide programs on crop injury and control of triazine-resistant common lambsquarters (TR-CHEAL) in no-till corn. In 1997 PRE studies, combinations of me...
Average annual runoff was about 20% less for reduced tillage than for conventional or no-till methods for grain. Average annual soil losses differed significantly among tillage methods for corn grown for grain; highest losses were with conventional tillage followed by reduced tillage, then no-till....
No-Till Farmer'spodcast series is brought to you byCalmer Corn Heads. More from this series Calmer Corn Heads is home of the world’s first 12-and 15-inch corn heads and residue management upgrade kits. Their patented BT Chopper Stalk Rolls cut, chop and shear cornstalks into confetti-lik...
Croping and management (C) values for use in the USLE were derived by crop stage and annual periods for no-till corn grown for silage or grain, and for reduced-till corn grown for grain. The C-values measured for all treatments were much lower than those previously accepted. -from Author...
Corn residue removal impact on soil aggregates in a no-till corn/soybean rotation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:1390-1398. doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0421Hammerbeck, A.L.; Stetson, S.J.; Osborne, S.L.; Schumacher, T.E.; Pikul, J.L., Jr. Corn residue removal impact on soil aggregates...
AtaturkAzizAtaturkIrfanAtaturkWater, air and soil pollutionYucel, D., Yucel, C., Aksakal, E.L., Barik, K., Khosa, M., Aziz, I. and Islam, K.R. (2015) Impacts of biosolids application on soil quality under alternate year no-till corn-soybean rotation. Water Air Soil Pollut 226, 1...