No-till corn production as affected by mulch, potassium placement, and soil exchangeable potassium - Yibirin, Johnson, et al. - 1993 () Citation Context ... influences of K fertilizer placement on K nutrition and yield of no-till soybeans.[12–15] Long-term no-till management has also ...
Name:planter pots;Function:cultivation , fertilize ,seeder;Seeds:corn, soybean , sorghum , sugarbeet, gingeli , ect.;Working efficiency:High efficiency;Working width(cm):140~320cm;MOQ:1sets;Packing:Iron Cage;Advantage:High Performance;Feature:Multi-func
Khosla, "No-till corn yields and water balance in the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain". Agron. J., Vol. 94, No. 3, 2002, pp. 612-623.Roygard, J.K.F., Alley, M.M., Khosla, R., 2002. No-till corn yields and water balance in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain. Argon. J. 94, 612...
Economics of winter cover crops as a source of nitrogen for no-till corn 1. The influence of oxygen on the direction of movement (aerotaxis) by the freshwater oligochaete, Tubifex sp., was investigated by monitoring the behaviour of adult animals in different oxygen gradients. 2. The results...
(L.) Merr.] can be much greater when no-till rather than moldboard plowing practices are used, We conducted this experiment to determine whether differences in previous crop, surface residue cover, or a combination of both contribute to yield differences when no-till corn follows corn or ...
11.Design of Row-followed No-till Wheat and Maize Planter under Controlled Traffic Farming System固定道对行小麦/玉米通用免耕播种机设计 12.A no-till planter was designed that can work on the field bestrewing whole maize straw.设计了一种能够用于玉米收获后,秸秆直立状态下的免耕播种机。 13.Effect...
Croping and management (C) values for use in the USLE were derived by crop stage and annual periods for no-till corn grown for silage or grain, and for reduced-till corn grown for grain. The C-values measured for all treatments were much lower than those previously accepted. -from Author...
Soil insecticides were tested in no-tillage corn planted with a Cole no-till planter on 16 May at the University of Georgia, Mountain Branch Station near Blairsville GA. A RCBD with 5 replicates was used with plots 25 ft X 4 rows wide at 36 inch row width. Granular insecticides were eith...
Eight herbicide treatments per crop were evaluated for hairy vetch and crimson clover cover-crop control in no-till corn and cotton at two locations in North Carolina. Paraquat alone or combined with dicamba, 2,4-D, or cyanazine, and cyanazine alone, controlled clover the best in both crops....
The article titled "Annual Carbon Fluxes from No-Till Corn and Soybeans" which appeared in the previous edition of Better Crops with Plant Food (1999, Issue No. 3), contains some numbers which are not correct. An error was made in calculating the carbon dioxide (CO_2) sequestered in the...