Had an issue with multiple JTAG targets on the chain https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/ACAP-and-SoC-Boot-and/MicroZed-Program-Load-Problem/m-p/997723#M3171 Issue with Windows10 It seems that it could be an issue either with your cable driver or with your PS configuration. Are...
使用stm32cube 新建工程,生成keilv5 工程,编译烧写进芯片,芯片断电后再上电烧写程序,发现不能正常烧写,keil报错,No Cortex-M Device found in JTAG chain. please check the JTAG cable and the connected devices.!!STM32cube 生成的文件中档,HAL_MspInit里,有一句__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_DISABLE,把jtag和sw给...
i am working on stm32h103 board and i load the programs with KEIL.when i was programming , the KEIL returns to me "no cortex-m device found in the jtag chain. please check the jtag cable and the connected device" and in the message box , it returns to me "JLink Info: Could not ...
错误NO Cortex-MDevicefoundin JTAG chain plase check the JTAG cable and the connected devices警告 Flash Download failed-Target DLL has been cancelled cnh242019-04-17 06:35:06 Linux设备模型:device和devicedriver device和devicedriver是Linux驱动开发的基本概念。Linux kernel的思路很简单:驱动开发,就是要...
however I also tried it with Serial-println in the loop. Regarding your tip. I need to cut a USB cable, attach the data cable to GPIO19 and 20 and try the same right? or which setting is required for this? thank you very much!
Once the.elf,.hexor.binfile has been generated, make sure the board is powered on,JTAGcable connected and use the following commands to upload the program to the board or debug. Uploading the binary to target is generically achieved with: ...
Once the.elf,.hexor.binfile has been generated, make sure the board is powered on,JTAGcable connected and use the following commands to upload the program to the board or debug. Uploading the binary to target is generically achieved with: ...
I guess I found the answer to our question in the MT7620 Datasheet (google for it). First of all the EPHY pins are names EPHY_LED pins and they can be set to the following functions: EPHY_LED pin share scheme Pin Name | EPHY function | JTAG function | GPIO function ...
however I also tried it with Serial-println in the loop. Regarding your tip. I need to cut a USB cable, attach the data cable to GPIO19 and 20 and try the same right? or which setting is required for this? thank you very much!