求助:H-JTAG 找不到硬件 unable to find target,mini2440 新板子 我已经按照手册附件的方法设了 n 次,不行啊! 每次都报 unable to find target. Please make sure that the hardware is properly con nected and powered up。 很多方法都试过了还是不行,板子是才到手两天,在博航买的,以下是我已经倒腾过...
JTAG“Unable to find target”错误解决办法 JLINK“could not find supported cpu core on JTAG chain”解决办法 我的目标芯片是LPC2220,JTAG是没有问题的,因为用其他的板子都是可以下载程序的,而且我的板子开始也是没有问题的,后来程序中重新配置了P0口,再运行,就出现了这个问题,应该是我配置出错,导致程序...
求助:H-JTAG 找不到硬件 unable to find target ,mini2440 新板子求助:H-JTAG 找不到硬件unable to findtarget,mini2440 新板子我已经按照手册附件的方法设了n 次,不行啊!每次都报unable to findtarget.Please make sure that the hardware is properlycon nected and powered up。很多方法都试过了还是不行,...
目标设备上未检测到电压 请检查你的(1)探针是否接到了目标设备上,(2)设备的开关是否打开。点击 “确定” 重试。
VTarget = 3.282V Info: Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high. Info: Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high. No devices found on JTAG chain. Trying to find device on SWD. No device found on SWD. Failed to identify target. Trying again with sl...
CORTEX_M4_0: Can't Run Target CPU: (Error -1203 @ 0x20000400) Unable to access the DAP. Reset the device, and retry the operation. If error persists, confirm configuration, power-cycle the board, and/or try more reliable JTAG setting...
0x09 0x3f,但是想program时,就提示Unable to find supply voltage on target. Please verify that ...
It looks to me that the "Target Connections", which holds the target configurations, is the key to your problem. This can be used to overwrite the RCW during debugging... Of course, you'll probably need to figure out how to make it permanent (probably by using the configuration project ...
read the data sheet correctly (and it's highly likely I did not!) the ICDI sort of "autobauds" and detects which connections are present. Ostensibly, the SWD initialization header is written with this in mind. But alas, removing the TDI/O li...