I have read the existing post No source available for "__isr_vector() at 0x0" but the solution there did not work for me, so I am really hoping that someone here has some debugging tips for me! My current firmware (developed under KDS 3.0 with K...
您好, 您调用了ROM API's,0x1001024应该处于ROM API's锁在地址范围,又因linked code您没有源码,所以看不到,会出现No source available for "0x1001024", 直接点run运行。 但是,出现No source available for "0x1001024"或者No source available for "0x1001026"我的程序就直接卡死在...
原因可能是程序调用的源文件不在你的工程中。 如果你一定要逐个查看每一次的函数调用,那么你需要把所有会调用到的函数所在的.c文件都包含到你的工程中。 如果只是需要看代码在你的应用程序中的逐句执行,可以通过逐句设置断点的方式一句一句执行。
No source available for "0x0" what it mean chme_4259176 Level 2 26 Jun 2019 when I debug on cy3014 ,there will be "No source available for "0x0"" ,I don't know what lead to it.can you help me ? Solved! Go to Solution. Like Subscribe 1,014 0...
问答对人有帮助,内容完整,我也想知道答案 0 [tr]单步调试工程,在一个C文件的最后执行完 IntEnable(C674X_MASK_INT4); IntEnable(C674X_MASK_INT5); IntGlobalEnable(); IntEnable(C674X_MASK_NMI);后出现No source available for "0x0" ,而且Disassembly窗体中出现: 00000000: ??? Memory map prevented...
No source available for "__isr_vector() at 0x0" Now I'm not here to know why my debugger crash (I ask in the previous thred), but I want to know why this error occours. I'm developing on K20 (and using via PEx KSDK the K60 because there is no KSDK available for K20; Fre...
No source available for "0x3fe493"请教同事,其说明是与底层程序BootLoader的启动有关,做如下修改可...
随便建个工程,选择stand alone的模式,一调试就报No source available for "0x0" ,请问各位高手这是...
I am not sure what code segment your are trying to debug here, but is it possible that your break-point takes you into a library code that you don't have the source for? It could also take you to an ISR/function that is declared but not defined. I would normally expect to see the...
I've been receiving the message "No source available for 0x3ff8a1" once I build/load my code. I understand that 0x3ff8a1 is the starting memory location when the processor is reset, which I confirm using the disassembly window (where a few code lines are shown below) 3ff8a1: 28AD0004...