A recent AMIA thread focused on an article that was critical of the role of open source technology in LTO tape storage, something an increasing number of us directly depend on. I was very encouraged John Tariot’s comments in this thread: “I would point to the work of many in AMIA, p...
Without the method call "ADC_MEASUREMENT_ADV_SoftwareTrigger(&ADC_MEASUREMENT_ADV_0);" , no interrupt will be called and so no Fault occurs.So what can be the reason, that the interrupt call works in Dave4, but not in IAR Workbench?I also already tried to include the cmsis_compiler, c...
0 1.5k Nov ’21 iOS VoIP App running on M1 Mac Callkit and Pushkit not working I took delivery of my first M1 Mac (iMac running Big Sur 11.4) and with great anticipation installed my iOS VoIP App from the AppStore. I was greatly disappointed to see that There were no VoIP Pushes to...
Open-source API for real-time communication, widely supported by major browsers Real-time transport protocol (RTP) Network protocol for delivery of audio and video over IP networks Media Session Time-delimited audio and video activity on the Discord platform (e.g.: DM/GDM call, Go Live stream...
However, once up to speed I find that the macros greatly simplify usage by hiding the required source machinery. The MotorNM class declaration shown below contains no macros:class MotorNMData : public EventData { public: INT speed; }; // Motor class with no macros class MotorNM : public ...
The numbers which you run the tests with can be input on the command line also, soutest.exe 0will always run all of the tests. See more at mysourceforge page 12 Aug 14 UnitC++ on SourceForge ByDavid CorneLeave aComment Categories:C++,C++11,CodeandTesting ...
Source: User's Manual: The input clock for timer T12 can be from fCCU6 to a maximum of fCCU6/128 and is configured by bit field T12CLK. In order to support higher clock frequencies, an additional prescaler factor of 1/256 can be enabled for the prescaler of T12 if bit T12...
Is there no global solution available? Like 351 0 jferreira Employee 18 Aug 2017 Hi,You can use -mno-unaligned-access compiler option to avoid unalign access. In addition you can look to the map file to see which variable cross the border and for the appropiate allignment....
wolfTPM is a portable, open-source TPM 2.0 stack with backward API compatibility, designed for embedded use. It is highly portable, and has native support for Linux and Windows. RTOS and bare metal environments can take advantage of a single IO callback for SPI hardware interface, no external...
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/psssql/2018/04/05/lesson-learned-from-an-availability-group-performance-case/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter which references https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/saponsqlserver/2013/04/21/sql-server-2012-alwayson-part-11-performance-aspects-and-performance-mo...