If you are not able to hear the other person, click this...>If you can't hear a person on a call or voicemail or if the sound isn't ... If you only hear through speakerphone mode --> If your iPhone is stuck in headphone mode - Apple Support If the other person is not able...
If a sound appears, the iPhone speaker works. If you still can’t hear a sound, the device may need a hardware repair.Or if your speaker button on the Ringer and Alerts slider is dimmed, your speaker might need service. Contact Apple Support for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. ...
iPhones having no sound can be caused by many sources. Unfortunately, your phone won’t tell you why there is no sound coming from it. Instead, you’ll need to work through the possible reasons for having no sound on your iPhone. And here are the main reasons. ❌Sound settings.Sometime...
In rare cases, your iPhone falsely thinks that a wired headphone is still connected to it. Thus, it sends the audio there, which leads to no sound on your iPhone speaker. To fix this issue, we have a separate guide. Learnhow to address iPhone stuck in headphone mode. Note: The same...
iPhone No Sound Solution Step 13 This is similar to the step above but you will be cleaning out the headphone jack on the iPhone instead of the charging connectors. As above blow into the headphone jack for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, this should vanish any dust or dirt that is lodg...
If still the iPhone call no sound issue is not fixed, or if your speaker button on the Ringer and Alerts slider is dimmed, then maybe your iPhone speaker not working on calls. Why is my phone microphone not working? If your microphone doesn’t work first check the sound settings of your...
After the reset, check if the iPhone video sound not working issues have been resolved or not. Fix 9: Contact App Support or Apple Support If you are facing audio issues in a specific app or none of the previous solutions have worked, it's time to seek further assistance. This fix outl...
Posted on Dec 20, 2022 8:11 AM Hi Sarbvrly, Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We understand that you're having an issue with the sound on your iPhone 11. We'd like to help get that resolved so you can enjoy audio with your device again. Which sounds are missing? Is it al...
If you’re using iPhone 6s and earlier: Press and hold both theHomebutton and theTop(orSide) button for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. Force restart can help you get the normal start up on your iPhone. Fix 2: Check the Sound Settings ...
"I'm unable to hear the sound of videos after playing them on my iPhone. Despite trying a few things, I didn't find myself pulling out of this situation. What should I need to do now? All the suggestions would be appreciated." ...