Apple 已经确认,由于 iPhone 12 和 iPhone 12 Pro 听筒模块上的某个组件可能会发生故障,极少数的 iPhone 12 和 iPhone 12 Pro 设备可能会出现声音问题。受影响设备的生产日期为 2020 年 10 月至 2021 年 4 月之间。 如果您的 iPhone 12 或 iPhone 12 Pro 在拨打或接听电话时听筒发不出声音,则您的设备...
My iphone 12 have no sound at all My phone sound not functioning 3 years ago 945 1 iphone 11 max pro no sound my new iphone 11 max pro has no sound in and out 4 years ago 461 1 No sound at all on my iPhone 12 mini Top down speaker no sound at all Iphone 12 mini [Re...
The sound in my iPhone is not working how to get it back I have done everything Apple support tells me to do but still no sound No sound when someone rings my Iphone 2 years ago 345 1 My iphone 12 have no sound at all My phone sound not functioning 3 years ago 927 1 No ...
I have iphone 11. IOS version is 16.3.1 starting today there is very low sound during a phone call. The only way to hear the call is if it is placed on speaker. All other sounds working fine. I've read some of the latest updates cause issues and this being one so, I have not ...
For what it’s worth, your solution solved my sound issue as well. “Hide Alerts” should definitely be turned off if you are experiencing the same problem! Thank you! Reply of 2 Iphone 14 Max Pro and ios 17.0.2 no sounds from text messages Welcome...
iPhone 14 - No sound on calls My ios is up to date. This is a new phone. I've tried all the common fixes, e.g., increased volume bar to max; turn off and on airplane mode, etc. I can hear clearly into my hearing aids via Bluetooth (Phonak system). [Re-Titled by Moderator]...
Hi I have problem with iPhone 15Pro. Is already third time when new messages receiving without sound. Everything is switch as needed and all updates are in place also I did restart phone few times but no luck. Everything else works fine apart from message notifications on screen and sound...
While on a call on iPhone – Apple Support And: If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker - Apple Support Also check notification settings : Use notifications on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support ___ If you have these settings: Adjust the ...
iPhone 12 and 12 Pro owners who have a device that does not emit sound from the receiver when making or receiving phone calls may be eligible for free service.iPhone 12 miniandiPhone 12 Pro Maxmodels are not affected and are not part of the service program. ...
1)When someone calls me on FaceTime or when I’m calling my iPhone starts freezing like I answer the call I get no sound and no video. 2)I cannot longer shoot videos, I have to constantly reboot in order to record 1 minute. 3)Audio messages are not working, not even on Snapchat,...