Those solicitors who do know what soliciting means and choose to ignore your sign anyway, just don't have any respect or consideration for others. They'll typically smirk at you and tell you they've sold lots of whatever it is they're selling to people who had no soliciting signs on the...
Byline: Sandy Strickland Dear Call Box: I've got two no-soliciting signs on the front of my...Strickland, Sandy
Inform, don’t convince.Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don’t want to do. Ignore no soliciting signs. You’re not ...
Aluminum No Soliciting Sign – 12″ x 8″ $9.95 Add to cart No Soliciting Sign for Home and Business $7.95 Add to cart Private Property Aluminum Warning Sign $9.95 Add to cart 24 Hour Video Surveillance Aluminum Warning Sign $9.95 Add to cart Support...
Fortunately, there are tons of funny no soliciting sign ideas out there to deter those pesky solicitors from knocking on your door. If you're still experiencing soliciting in your neighborhood, take a look at these pictures of hilarious no soliciting signs and vote up your favorites. And i...
No Soliciting Decals Safety Labels Door Labels No Soliciting Decals shamal W.-CA,US very helpful Show All Door Labels No Solicitors Label Item G2002 No Solicitors Label Apply to the inside of glass windows Apply to the inside of glass windows...
$0.00 No Soliciting Rectangle quantity Yes! I WANT this sign! Categories:Fun Signs,Home and Property Signs Description Description No Soliciting, We found Jesus, We know who we’re voting for, We love our vacuum & gave at the office – Seriously, unless you’re selling Thin Mints – Please...
Mayor Offers No-Soliciting Signs -- Residents Can Block Door Sales in BartlettAT&T plans to go door-to-door in Bartlett peddling its U-verseservice, and the suburb is letting...Bailey, Clay
The face of a policeman, twisted with suspicion, loomed at me.''Ello, 'ello, 'ello,' he more or less said. 'So what's going on 'ere?' Plainly, he thought I was soliciting.'I'm waiting,' I said, 'for ten past eight, then I'll go into that house, where I've been invited...