Well, nearly every time anyway. OK, so we can't guarantee that no moronic solicitor will ever bother you if you use one of our signs, but we can assure you that these "No Soliciting" signs were carefully designed and field tested to work better than any other -- well, unless you hav...
Fortunately, there are tons of funny no soliciting sign ideas out there to deter those pesky solicitors from knocking on your door. If you're still experiencing soliciting in your neighborhood, take a look at these pictures of hilarious no soliciting signs and vote up your favorites. And i...
Inform, don’t convince.Your job is to equip the person at the door with the information/resources they need to make an informed decision about their health. You are not trying to convince anyone to do something they don’t want to do. Ignore no soliciting signs. You’re not ...
Byline: Sandy Strickland Dear Call Box: I've got two no-soliciting signs on the front of my...Strickland, Sandy
“No Soliciting” signs do not apply, nor do “No Trespassing” or “Private Property” or even “Stay the F**k Out” signs (though the latter might make me pause, Constitutional coverage or no….). There have been lawsuits about this issue, as recent as a month ago, but it seems ...
U.S. Republican Senator Larry Craig, arrested for soliciting gay sex in an airport restroom. The conservative "researcher" became a target of satire, and les tasses remained popular rendezvous points. AmazonASIN: 0202302830 Laud Humphreys' Ph.D. research, which led to his book, showed th...
The rules applied to so-called noncommercial expressive activity, and covered various forms of expression, such as political and religious speech, soliciting for signatures on petitions, and the dissemination of noncommercial leaflets and fliers.The rules were what constitutional lawyers call content ...
We’ve been soliciting estimates in a languid way but don’t feel quite ready to commit. Uncle Robbo would strongly recommend to any friends of the decanter with small children that you get their college funds started yesterday. We scraped through by the skin of our teeth getting Youngest ...
$0.00 No Soliciting Rectangle quantity Yes! I WANT this sign! Categories:Fun Signs,Home and Property Signs Description Description No Soliciting, We found Jesus, We know who we’re voting for, We love our vacuum & gave at the office – Seriously, unless you’re selling Thin Mints – Please...
By: Diane Benjamin Nobody is afraid of consequences for breaking election law and misuse of public funds. How long is it going to take McLean County to investigate Lizzy Johnston’s alleged soliciting money on County property to abolish the County Auditor? Another year? Why did Lizzy lawyer up...