No Remote Desktop License Servers Available 发现是删除另一个键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod 按照文章说的,先设置下注册表键值写权限: 不设置是无法删除的: 按照文章描述直接设置也是不行的: 根据我之前做桌面运维时积累的经验,得先如图修改键值的所有者...
香港VPSThe remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license.Please contact the server administrator,最后发现是微软RDP远程桌面套件的一个BUG,可通过安装微软补丁或修改注册表来解决,本文简单记录分享下解决过程… 远程桌面不可用,连接如下报错: The...
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license.Please contact the server administrator. 这时若想远程只能使用强制远程连接: 解决方案: 打开注册表,找到如下键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\Grace...
远程桌面连接失败,提示:“no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license” 原因:没有remote desktop license server 解决方法:通过console进入机器或强制远程进入机器cmd 中输入:mstsc /admin /v:ip 将ip换成机器的IP地址 regedit 进入registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet...
No Remote Desktop License Servers Available 点开了一篇教程(原文地址),发现是删除另一个键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod 按照文章说的,先设置下注册表键值写权限: 不设置是无法删除的: 按照文章描述直接设置也是不行的: ...
topic describes how to resolve the issue that the following error message appears when you connect to a Windows Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance by using Remote Desktop: The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote ...
What do I do if the error message "Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again" appears when I connect to a Windows instance by usi...
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator. Assuming your licensing configuration is valid and you have licenses available, if you receive the above error the problem is likely an expir...
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. In this case,check the RD Licensing configuration. If the RD License Diagnoser lists other problems, such as "The RDP protocol component X.224 detected an error in the protoc...
Clients cannot connect to Remote Desktop Services, and they display messages that resemble the following:Output Copy The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. Output Copy ...