在用远程桌面访问Window Server服务器时,出现如下错误: The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license.Please contact the server administrator. 这时若想远程只能使用强制远程连接: 解决方案: 打开注册表,找到如下键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SY...
When you connect to an ECS instance that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 by using Remote Desktop, the error message "No Remote Desktop license server is specified" appears. Cause Remote Desktop Services roles are install...
What do I do if the error message "No Remote Desktop license server is specified" appears when I connect to a Windows Server 2008 R2 instance by using Remote Desktop? What do I do if the error message "An authentication error ...
Computer Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\ Remote Desktop Services\ Remote Desktop Session Host\ LicensingUse the specified Remote Desktop license servers EnabledLicense servers to use: <FQDN of RD Licensing server>Since you have RD Licensing on the same server you would enter...
No Remote Desktop License Servers Available 发现是删除另一个键值: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\GracePeriod 按照文章说的,先设置下注册表键值写权限: 不设置是无法删除的: 按照文章描述直接设置也是不行的: 根据我之前做桌面运维时积累的经验,得先如图修改键值的所有者...
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license.Please contact the server administrator... 若是中文系统,则报错如下: 由于没有远程桌面授权服务器可以提供许可证,远程会话被中断。请跟服务器管理员联系。
Windows Server 远程桌面报错:No Remote Desktop License Servers Available 2018-11-09 10:54 −... ㄌㄟ 0 2588 No package gcc48-c++ available 2019-12-17 18:53 −yum install gcc48-c++ linux 下编译安装 rocksdb,发现没有这个 gcc48-c++,感觉这个48 应该是版本号,于是在 yum install gcc-c++,...
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator. Assuming your licensing configuration is valid and you have licenses available, if you receive the above error the problem is likely an expir...
Use the specified Remote Desktop license server Enabled Set the Remote Desktop licensing mode Enabled If the issue still insists, please try to modify the registry about MSLicensing and GracePeriod just like in the link below. https://windowsreport.com/remote-session-was-disconnected/ ...
In the policy list, right-click Use the specified Remote Desktop license servers, and then select Properties. Select Enabled, and then enter the name of the license server under License servers to use. If you have more than one license server, use commas to separate their name...