针对您遇到的问题 "no podspec found for react in ../node_modules/react-native/",这通常与React Native项目的依赖管理和CocoaPods配置有关。我将根据您的提示分点回答,并尽量提供清晰的解决方案。 1. 确认react-native是否正确安装在../node_modules/目录下 首先,您需要确保react-native已经被正确安装在您的...
Flutter安装完成后,pod install报错 No podspec found for `scan` in `.symlinks/plugins/scan/ios` 错误原因: 当前用户对symlinks/plugins/scan目录没有读写权限 解决方案: 1.command shift . 显示隐藏文件夹 2.找到项目中.symlinks/plugins/scan文件,右键在原处显示 3.对原文件夹右键,显示简介,最下方共享与...
flutter pub get 报错 pod install [!] No podspec found forness_disable_screenshotsin `.symlinks/plugins/ness_disable_screenshots/iOS 这个错误的意思是在文件路径 .symlinks/plugins/ness_disable_screenshots/iOS 中找不到ness_disable_screenshots. podspec 文件,我认真找了一下找到该问件了但是文件名字是dis...
No podspec found for `flutter_keyboard_visibility_web` in `.symlinks/plugins/flutter_keyboard_visibility_web/ios` 本人解决方案:1.删除iOS目录下的Podfile文件和Podfile.lock文件; 2.执行flutter pub get; 3.在iOS目录执行pod install --repo-update。发布...
解决方案是:1-从ios文件夹中删除Podfile和Podfile.lock 2-从终端或Android Studio ->工具-> Flutter ...
Do you have any ideas for this? My ideas and trying such as: - reduce bitrate/resolution as much as possible (But it takes long time, user have to wait => don't suitable with my application) - find a flutter plugin replace video_player (that why I found your package `fvp`) - fin...
3-Pod安装 4-运行app 解决方案如下:https://github.com/MisterJimson/flutter_keyboard_visibility/...
"No podspec found forin" Hello! That's a weird error, did you try running the ./setup_project.sh script inside the folder? It should do all the required commands to setup the project by itself. Also what version of the matrix ios sdk are you trying to use?
Nopodspecfoundfor`BVLinearGradient`in`../node_modules/react-native-linear-gradient` 将工程文件夹中的node_modules和package-lock.json文件删除之后,在重新npminstall就可以了 React Native的android API -ReactAndroid开源项目 ; 项目目录的node_modules\react-native\android\com\facebook\react\react-native\0.55...
如示: Analyzing dependencies [!] No podspec found for `flutter_keyboard_visibility_web` in .symlinks/plugins/flutter_keyboard_visibility_web/ios` 解决办法 删除Podfile 和 Podfile.lock Flutter Clean flutter pub get Pod install Run the app